~•Chapter 1 (Dallas Winston scares me)•~

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Me and my boyfriend have been fighting for a while now. I hate him, I thought. I'm breaking up with him tonight.

We went to the Dingo with some of my soon-to-be ex's friends. Right then and there I broke up with him. He threw a smashed beer bottle at my face and it made a noticeable cut.

I started crying a bit more now.

I was about to leave when I accidentally bumped into a rather cute teenage boy. I blushed from embarrassment, wiping away my tears.

"Hey... uh.. are you alright? I heard you yelling back there. And you're crying. Are you ok?" The blonde haired boy asked.

He was fair skinned and had natural pink and rosy cheeks. His hair was slicked back with plenty of hair grease. He looked about 14 or 15. He wasn't too tall.

"Yeah, I-I'm okay. I just broke up with my boyfriend. Sorry for bumping into you. I've always been a little clumsy." I told him.

He laughed a bit.

"Shoot, it's no problem! I'm Ponyboy." He reached out his hand for me to shake.

I shook and his hand. "I'm Maddy."

"Nice to meet you Maddy!" Pony said sweetly. "Right back at ya', Pony." I told him.

He smiled at me before asking if I wanted to go down and get popcorn with him. I gladly accepted his offer and we started down to the stands.

We were down at the concession stands and Pony started grabbing 4 buckets of popcorn.

"Damn man, I don't think the two of us need this much popcorn," I said jokingly knowing that he probably had come with buddies.

"Oh no, haha! I have some buddies I came with and my older brothers." He laughed.

"I know ya' do Pony, I'm just messing with you. Hey.. um.. is it possible.." I stopped myself before asking if I could meet his friends. I didn't wanna seem like a pest.

"Go on!" Pony told me, obviously intrigued in what I was going to ask.

"Well I was going to ask if maybe I could meet your buddies? I know I sound like a pest and I'm sorry...' I pleaded.

"Are you kidding me? I was hoping you'd ask to see them! I'd love to introduce you to the gang!" He burst out excitedly.

This is awesome I thought. I might be able to make some new friends tonight.

We both started walking back up to the gang.

I was greeted by a wide variety of guys. Twobit Matthews, Sodapop Curtis, Steve Randle, Darrel Curtis, Dallas Winston, and a small cute boy named Johnny Cade.

They all waved to me and I waved back at them, hoping to grab a seat next to Johnny. I looked at him and shook his hand.

"Heya, man." I said quietly because I didn't wanna interrupt the movie for anyone.

"Hi," Johnny said back smiling at me, this time a little blushed.

He was... cute. He had a small frame and tan skin. He had longer greasy hair and big brown eyes. He almost looked like a puppy. He had handsome facial features.

I smiled at him and blushed after he did the same, moments ago.

"How old are ya kid?"

I turned to my right to see an older guy, but not too old, talking to me.

"Oh, I'm 16" I didn't hesitate to tell him.

"Uh huh. And I suppose you dont know who we are huh. Or our background." He said in a stern voice.
Or did uh, Pony here tell ya?"

"No?" I said a little confused. "What do you mean?"

"We're Greasers. Hoods. No goodie-two-shoes." He told me.

I was familiar with "Greasers" and "Socs" but I never really chose my side.

"I think the little broad likes that. Don't cha' cutie." I heard another guy say. I turned around, my eyes widening a bit. It was Dallas Winston. I've heard of this guy and he's no good.

I paused for a moment.
"I don't care that you guys are Greasers. I think we'll get along just fine." I said with a smile trying to look friendly.

I few minutes into the movie I could feel someone touching my hair. It was Dally.

"Stop that would ya." I told him laughing through my nerves.

"And who's gonna stop me, huh cutie?" I could here him say into my ear.

He continued to do it and it started to bother me.

"Listen Dallas, it was cute but now it's just annoying! Quit it!" I almost yelled, smacking his hand.

"And who's gonna stop me cutie?" He hissed grabbing my shoulders as he got closer to me.

I started to get scared and tried to wriggle his hands off but his grip tightened.

"Hey, cut it out Dal." I heard a small voice say shakily.

It was Johnny.

Dally suddenly stopped. I could tell he was pissed. "What the hell did you just say to me you little shit?" He growled angrily.

I started to shake but then I realised that this wasn't about me. It was between Johnny and Dallas. I relaxed my body.

"You heard me, c-cut it out." Johnny said again, this time a little bit more stern.

The gang just stared at Johnny in disbelief.

"Whatever man." He then turned to me. "Hey, man I'm sorry. I was just fiddling with your hair."

He was very handsome and he smelled like cigarettes.

Hey yall, this page is getting really long so I'm gonna be continuing it in the next page. <3

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