Don't Go There

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Liz brushed her hair put it in to her usually messy up and down look, she threw on black corduroy pants, as well as a Pink Floyd tank top covered by a flannel. She made sure to do her makeup edgy, but still clean, she wanted Dee's parents to have a good impression of her.

Her father had visited, and had just left about an hour ago- but he couldn't leave without a "goodbye gift." "You DISGRACE," He screamed at her, "Put out your arm." 

Liz nodded, and presented her arm that had finally started to heal, he made large gash's throughout her arm and wrist, as Liz tried to contain her wincing. "I expect you will be on better behavior next time I visit," Her father scolded. "Yes father, it was a privilege to see you."

Finally, she cringed as she wrapped her arm and wrist up with a white bandage, she knew she needed stitches but didn't have the courage to speak up. Maybe if she takes good enough care of the wounds they'll go away, she thought. At least she was on her way to go see Dee- she didn't want to admit it but, she was kind of falling for him. 

She raced over to his house on her skateboard, and wished she could remove her flannel because of the heat, but decided it would be best to ride it out. When she arrived at Dee's house, she placed her skateboard gently outside, and knocked on his door.

A taller man with blonde hair like Dee's opened the door, "You must be Liz," he smiled warmly. "Yes, a pleasure to meet you sir," Liz said, almost as an instinct. "No need to be so formal," Glam laughed lightly, "I'm sorry sir, it's habit," Liz replied with a laugh.

"Call me Glam," "Glam! Nice to meet you." Glam got Liz inside and Dee ran up to her, "Liz!" He hugged her for a minute before Heavy interrupted. "LIZ! Can we go play guitar? Pleaseee!" Heavy tugged on her flannel. "Ha, well, I don't want to be rude Hea-" "That sounds like a fantastic idea," Ches chimed in.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Liz," Liz held out her hand to Ches, "I know, I've heard a lot about ya," Dee blushed heavily when Ches said that. "Let's go- Glam! Why don't you come play with us?" Glam nodded and followed the group to his office.

Glam handed Liz a strat, and he was playing on his gibson. "Alright Liz, what do you wanna-" "CHOP SUEY!" Heavy practically screamed. "She says she can sing that one too!!" Heavy was ecstatic, Liz had promised since the first day she met him that she would play it for him sometime.

Dee rolled his eyes, "Heavy, let her play what she wants to," He smiled at Liz, "I'll play Chop Suey- you all know that, right?" Glam and Ches looked at each other and nodded. Ches was playing bass, Glam took lead and Liz took rhythm. 

They started playing and although they were missing some parts, it sounded exceptionally put together. "WAKE UP!" Liz screamed, Dee laughed a bit and she blushed- he could tell that she was getting into it. 

"Jesus she's a good singer," Dee muttered, once she had hit the chorus, she even went higher than the original score. Heavy looked at Liz and Dee in shock, and shook his head in disbelief.

"FATHER-" Liz yelled, her voice slightly breaking. Its ok, she thought, I can just say I was tired from screaming. But once she got near the end of the bridge she almost broke down. "Just put your anger into the song," She thought, and she ended up pulling it off fine.

Glam could tell that she took the song personally, and almost wanted to stop before they hit the bridge, but the group wrapped it up nicely. "Sorry, sorry that wasn't very good..." Liz began stammering. 

Ches palmed his forehead, "Are you fucking kidding me? You need to sing in a band Jesus!" He laughed. Glam looked over at Liz, seeing her bandage since her flannel had rose up. "That was very good," Glam smiled at Liz. Dee was pleased that even Glam gave her his approval.

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