Summary/Blurb | The Beginning

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Felix Weber had not thought moving away from Germany and all the way to a little town called Hawkins in America would turn out the way it did. The fact he'd left because of the supernatural only to turn up to a town that was also very much supernatural was in all ways ironic.

Joyce Byers had known Felix's parents for a long time and when they passed she'd offered to take him in straight away if it was what Felix wanted, even though she was having a hard time paying for her two boys already she was ready to take in Felix anytime he chose. So Felix moved to America. He moved to Hawkins.

The study was quickly turned into Felix's room and everything went smoothly, Will and Jonathan getting along well with him. Felix being nearly the same age as Jonathan also helped too. Though smooth wasn't exactly how Felix would describe everything going after a few months when things started to all turn upside down. Literally.

When Will had gone missing Felix stopped trying to ease his way into his new life instead he tried as hard as he could to help Joyce and Jonathan find him. Ending up looking after a bunch of Will's friends as it all went on, plus a young girl who, surprise surprise, had powers, literal powers. Then again he couldn't really say anything against it, he'd be a hypocrite then.

Felix knew the supernatural aspects here in Hawkins were very, very, very different compared to where he'd been but some things had been similar. People doing human testing to develop humans to become weapons and or evolve them was something similar. Causing a different dimension to be somewhat attached to their own, now that was something different and new.

Even through it all Felix kept tight-lipped about his own... unusual abilities though he knew eleven, the girl who'd been tested on in the lab at Hawkins knew there was something similar between them, but she kept quiet on it. Eleven liked Felix, he never judged her, helped her calm down and felt as if for once she had an older brother-like figure in her life. Felix became soft not only for Eleven but the whole crew of kids already set on making sure they were safe through it all.

Felix like everyone else wasn't too fond of the 'Demogorgon' they ended up having to fight against to save Will, though even towards the end in the Hawkins Middle School when they fought against the Demogorgon for the last time Felix had realised what Eleven had wanted to do running up to her as she killed the Demogorgon pulling her away. Mike, Dustin and Lucas watching open mouthed when all that was left was the stained wall in front of the science classroom wall, Eleven and Felix gone.

It had been a week after Joyce had gotten Will back, safe now at home. Felix missing, along with Eleven. She'd gotten one of her boys back finally only for one of them to go missing again. Luckily he was found in the woods a whole week later. It took a few days for Felix to properly talk to people and he'd explained the last thing he'd remembered was when they'd been at the school.

Felix remembered it all, but for the sake of others he kept quiet on it. And like that everything settled, everything calmed down and the Byers (plus literally everyone else as well) tried integrating back into normal life again. Little did anyone know that was just the beginning, Hawkins was going to never be the same again.

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