#15 Into The Grass

Start from the beginning

"What about Shadow Clones?" The bijuu suggested.

"Yes, that could work. We could reinforce them and flee tonight, that way we won't be pursued as quickly and we won't have to fight." Naruto nodded.

"How do we get to her though? She said that there are guards in the house all night." He questioned.

"I am guessing that you don't want to kill the guards?" Kurama asked.

"Yes, we can not touch them. Not even knock them out, because then they will suspect something is wrong and investigate and we can't have them get suspicious of the clone." Naruto stressed, thinking about the different plans.

"What if we went in while she was away?" Kurama suggested.

"Hm, we don't know how many guards will still be there. But I think you are right, saying that it will be less than when she is there." Naruto agreed.

"Well, then we have to get going. It is already evening even though she said that she goes to get something to eat every evening, there is no telling how long she will stay out." The blonde continued. Fading from the grassy field.

Naruto was surprised to still see Hawk sitting in their room when he opened his eyes.

"What is your plan?" Hawk asked, as Naruto stood, checking his gear.

"Are you coming with me?" He asked instead of answering the question.

"Tell me what your plan is, then I will decide." She replied, standing in the door.

"I won't, because if you are not coming with me, then you could sabotage the plan, not willingly but accidentally and I can not risk that." Naruto replied, stepping up to her.

"I won't stop you, you know that. However I can't come with you. I really like you and these past few months were awesome with you, but I can't just ditch our group. I have been through hell with these shinobi and I know that they trust me as much as I trust them. I can not betray them like this." The brunette explained, a tear rolling down her face.

"Then I guess this is the last time we will see each other." Naruto said, equally as sad about this. Pulling the girl into his arms, he pressed a short kiss on her head, before letting her go and walking towards the door.

"I wish you the best of luck. Maybe we will see each other again." He said, looking back at the girl that had sat down on the bed, crying into her hands.

Leaving the hotel Naruto pushed the thoughts about his former girlfriend away, he needed to be completely focused if he wanted to get to Fuu's room undetected.

Watching the two guards, Naruto knew that he could not go through the front door. The two were obviously highly trained, standing completely still while watching the area. Kurama had told him that, based on the chakra signatures in the area, these two were the only ones around the house at the moment. To his disappointment the windows around the house were all closed and locked when he checked them.

"I have no idea how we are supposed to get in." Naruto thought as he watched the house from his hiding spot, trying to find a way inside.

"Neither do I." Kurama replied, his voice sounding annoyed.

The sun was quickly setting as the red haired, masked shinobi watched debating with his friend about the best possible solution.

Their debate was cut short when a man showed up, carrying a large package. Naruto watched intently as the man approached the two guards. They exchanged a few words, before the door was opened and all three of them entered the house.

Seeing the chance, Naruto quickly sprang into action. With Kurama constantly calling out the approximate directions of the three other people, he made his way towards the house. Risking a peak around the door, he saw no one and smiled a bit.

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