God dammit hurry up!

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Jennie's pov:

As I woke up I did my usual morning routine. 9 days left, almost a week. Every day I got more excited for his return.

I started to walk towards my work. On my way towards there, I looked through all my messages. I got off guard by one particular on.

So much that I didn't notice where I was going. And before I knew it I bumped into someone. The stranger was pretty tall, especially for someone from Korea.

I apologized to him and went further to my location. Still looking at my phone with questions. But for some reason happiness too.

Ji-yong: " Hey cutie, how are you doing? I hope you're well. I just saw a old friend of mine after a long time. She is a really nice and general person. I think you two wold get along very well. 9 days still left can't wait any longer. Bye babe's." (Sent yesterday evening 11.56pm/23.56.)

Jennie: " Hey, so your still alive, I'm good hoop thats the same what you. See you soon." (Sent at 8.35am/08.35.)

These little texts from him really mad living less terrible. We now where communicating like this for the past 2 months, and it truly has helped me through all the bad events that have been playing in my life lately. Why does this man needs to be so fucking cute?

I walked inside the building as a blushing mess because of this one particular person. God dammit I can't wait any longer for him.

I immediately walked towards the restroom so I could cool down a little bit. And I need to replace my tampon because it was literally pouring down my thighs.

At these kind of moments I really want to say to everybody to go fuck themselves and leave me alone for the next couple of days.

I was thinking of everybody that I wanted to kill, until I saw that I was out of product. No No No No, this can't be hapening. I do not have anything. I was panicking on this disgusting toilet thinking about what I should do.

eventually I shoved my embarrassment away, and started to desperately call on of my friend. Hoping that they could help me out.

I new that Lisa was free today, and that Jisoo was in a really important meeting so I decided to call Rose. First time no answer, but likely she picked up the second time.

Jennie: " Ahh thank god you picked up, oké Rose can you please help me out, uhmm its a girl problem."

Rose: " Jenn, I am in the middle of a meeting, what do you exactly need?"

Jennie: " Uhm a sanitary pad or a tampon, I ran out of them. Can you like take 5 minutes off for me, please Rose." I said desperately.

Rose: " I will look if I even have something." It become silent for a will, by every second I got more nervous. " YES, the last one your lucky Jenn, where are you?"

Jennie: " First floor, the toilets by the entrance."

Rose: " Ahh the dirty ones. Oké give me a couple of minutes then I'm there."

I was so relieved that she had something. She is truly my savior. Eventually she had arrived and helped me out. I thanked her a thousand times until I need to hurry to my one meeting.

I was just on time luckley, I sat down somewhere and started to listen. The people explained that we where gone do a big assignment in duo's. At first I thought that this was gonna be so much fun.

until I was being paired together with some random dude. All the other girls where together with "nice people" and then there was me... with a boy! Really sometimes I hate people.

When I walked up to the man I recognized his body type, his face, clothes... everything. He was te person that I walked into this morning. O god how embarrassing. At that moment I really wanted to throw myself off a cliff. Why does this day needs to go so terribly wrong.

Mino: " Hello I am Song Min-ho but you can just call me Mino. It's nice to meet you."

Jennie: " O hello I'm Jennie Kim but call me Jennie. I'm sorry for this morning I didn't mean to walk into you."

Mino: " O that was you, it's absolutely not a problem. I was in a rush myself and didn't look in front of me. I guess we're both in the wrong here." He said with a soft smile on his face

Jennie: " Ahh okay that's a relief, well shall we begin with the assignment?"

Mino: " Yes of course my lady." He said jokingly, while bowing. I couldn't resist a little laugh. He seems really nice. Maybe this is not gone be that bad afterall.

5 days past, Mino and I needed to spend them 24/7 together. At first I thought it was gone be a living hell so long with one person, but we are actually very much alike.

We as partners where the first to finish our assignment. Even do the deadline was over 3 days. In those couple of days we just tried to kill some time together.

We actually became pretty close friends because of it. Our bond became like that one of a brother and sister. Even if he was 4 years older than me, at least less than between Ji-yong and I.

I noticed about Mino that he was a general nice and caring guy. But that he had his mean sides. Especially towards bitchy girls that thought that the entire world was about them. I must admit I couldn't blame him for that. It's true those people are sometimes so tiresome.

The day after the deadline the work was gone be rated. It was the same day that Ji-yong was gone come back. I really wished that this meeting was not gone leak out, so I could be on time for his arrival.

But of course it didn't go as I wanted. Mino and I were standing before the judges and they leaterly mocked us. They did it even worse buy the other duo's.

Who the hell do they think they are. Like I understand that your a judge but come on have a little respect. We worked our butts off on this and they are making fun of it.

The meeting took 2 hours longer than it should have been. I was so pissed off. I had promised Drag to be there when he would come back. We even had plans to go out tonight and it all was in ruins now, thanks to these bitches. I was not even allowed to text him about it.

Finally when I was able to head out, I was stopped by a figure that I never wanted to see again. Someone that was dead to me. A person that I was and still am very disgusted by.

"Hello Jennie Kim it's been a while..."

So yeah hate to this part of the story. I am getting so confused by my one writings that it's not oké anymore.

I am quit out of inspiration lately. I really needed to take a entire week for this shity part, my excuses for that by the way.

So please if anyone has a good idea to get some more fire in this story pleas contact me. So thats that, have a nice day/night

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