Hey Diva!

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Ji-yong's pov:

I worked my butt of today. It was finally time to leave towards the hotel. Chae-rin was probably already there.

I tried to leave as fast as I could, I haven't been so excited for something in a while. When I stabbed foot in the hotel I immediately walked towards the elevator to get upstairs. I pushed the button and waited for it to arrive.

Now days when I would thinking of a elevather I immediately think of Jennie. When I left for the tour I didn't expect to miss her this much. Even if we just knew each other for a couple of months it felt good, like time stopped when I was with her.

Every time I would look at her, I fell in love all over again. You can't buy love because when its real its priceless. Everytime when I looked inside her eyes I saw a heart. A heart of gold, but so furnuble and pure. It disurfed to be loved. But am I the suited person for that?

She really let my heart skip a beat every time I would see her, think of her, touch her, speak to her. I think that she doesn't know how much of an impact she had and still has on my live.

I have never bin in love before, but I surely know that this is it. Just the desire to be with someone and love that person for the rest of my live.

Eventually the elevator opened and I was able to get in. When I reached my room, for some reason I became very nurvous. So nervous that I was scared to open the door. I had not socialize in a very long time.

And Chae-rin knew me through and through. She would notice that I am a little different than usual. She can be a very scary person too some times. But she always supported and loved me no matter what. She is one of the couple of people that see me as the person that I am. Not a lot of people would accept me, but she did without doubts.

After a good three minute I went inside. Totally not surprised by her presence.

Chea-rin: " Omg Ji-yong Oppa, it's been so long. How are you doing?" She came over to me pulling me in a very tight hug. It was quite hard to breathe through her strong grip.

Ji-yong: " Diva, it indeed has bin to long. I am good and you? How was the concert today?" I tried saying excitedly while breaking the hug gasping for air.

Chea-rin: " I am good too, and I had a lots of fun... Have you lost some weight?" She said out of nowhere surprising me.

Ji-yong: " HAHAHA, only you would see and say such a thing. Agh I mist you Diva."

Chea-rin: " HAHAHA I mist you more."

Ji-yong: " Yeh your certain of that." I said jokingly.

Chea-rin: " Yes I am quite convinced."

We both started to burst out in laughter. In the beginning I was very nervous about meeting her, but now I didn't want to let go.

We where like two teens again, joking around like it was completely nothing. I haven't had so much fun in a long time. She was like a younger sister to me.

(Oppa, "older brother", used by females to address a slightly elder male. Hyeong, "older brother", used by males to address a slightly elder male. All the credits goes to Google. And as you could see Ji-yong called Chae-rin "Diva", that's just a nickname that he gave her.)

It started to get very late so Chae-rin needed to take her leave. It was very delightful to have been able spend this night together.

When she left, the quietness surrounded me again. I tried to avoid it by grabbing my headphones and start listening to music.

And there and then I remembered Jennie's message. I started to re-read it again and again. I really gave my heart to this girl. I was thinking of texting something back, but what?

Eventually I sended the most stupid text ever. For some reason I always was nervous to text something to her. Because what if it comes over weird.

After I had sent the text, I started to slowly fade away. I had a long day and was very exhausted. So falling asleep was no problem for me... I guess goodnight Jennie.

Hey, so yeah amazingly stupid chapter again. I at least hate it. I found out that you spell it like Oppa and not Opa so I am gone correct all of that, my excuses. I hope you guys have a nice day/night.

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