7.no one has to know

Începe de la început

G- dea-

D- no. Hell fucking no.

Draco grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the great hall to the entrance of our common room, me fighting the whole way yelling at him to let me go but he kept walking fast and angry before finally stopping and I was able to pull my arm away

Y-what the fuck Draco.

D- what the hell do you think you're doing.

Y- I don't know what you're talking about.

I crossed my arms and looked away but he grabbed my face making me look at him

D- stop.

Y- stop what?

D- flirting with people. You're not gonna bang anyone

Y- who says?

D- I do.

I laughed not realizing how close he was to me and stepping a tad bit closer before whispering

Y- someone's jealous. Too bad you're not my fucking father so you can't tell me what to do huh?

D- trust me, darling, this is your only warning. Stop before I do something about it

Y- yeah? What are you gonna do? Call your daddy?

He smirked and let go of my face putting his hands on my waist pulling me closer to his body making me take a deep breath in

D- no I won't be calling my father, but trust me, princess, you'll regret flirting with anyone in front of me that'll be your only warning

I felt the bulge in his pants growing making me wish we weren't in the hall outside the common room where anyone could see us right now but I chose to ignore those feelings and try to push him off me, that's not happening I am not gonna let him make me weak. He's a fucking Malfoy for fucks sake.

Y- don't touch me.

D- oh don't act like I didn't just feel you tremble under my touch, and look how red you are now, someone's flustered. Does someone wanna join me in my dorm for a few hours? I can make that work baby

He brushed my hair from my face and My face grew red making me grow annoyed at his cockiness

Y- piss off Malfoy. I swear you're gonna get yourself kil-

M- what's going on here?

D- nothing D'ore just having a friendly conversation with my great friend y/n here

He smirked and moved his hand that was resting on my face back down to my hips giving me the chance to do what was needed, I spat in his face before stomping his foot and he let go of me giving me a chance to leave and walk up to my dorm


I just flipped him off and slammed my door shut before walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower, my legs slightly shaking and my skin was now cold from the loss of contact of where he was just holding me, I hate to admit it... but I craved his touch, his touch was cool, but the feeling of his rings dinging into my skin made it feel like my skin was on fire when he held me so tight, I hated how weak I felt under his touch, but I also loved it... I stepped into the shower and I grabbed the shower head pulling it off the wall and bringing it to my heat, no one has to know right?


Draco's POV

It's been a... well very eventful week, father is on my ass about sharing a bathroom with y/n, he sent a letter telling me "that slag better not come near your stuff, and if she does turn her into a damn rat like Pettigrew and if that doesn't work, Try again, but I've got a great plan, so try and be "nice" to the D'ores for a bit, after we're done with them they won't wanna how their faces again" but honestly I could care less of what he says right now, I'm not focusing on that right now I'm trying to find a damn way to get in her pretty little head, I'm being nice to her when we're alone, pretty much every night I sneak into her room to say goodnight, sometimes she's too tired to fight and says it back, others she tells me to go fuck myself in the ass, And I honestly have no clue how but Pansy somehow found out about her drawings and has told almost everyone She fancy's me blah blah blah I don't really listen when she speaks it makes me feel as if I'm losing brain cells.

Enemies- Draco malfoyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum