Good Enough 1/2

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Leonardo's POV
It was another day living in the year of 2105, but today was a special day. I'm woke up early to visit our best friend for our 1 year anniversary. [Name]. My brothers and I became friends with her when April introduce us before we, including [Name], got fast forward in time. As time pass (no pun intended) I wanted our relationship to be more. I had a crush on her, but now the feeling inside of me grew. I started to love everything about her. Her pearly white smile that brightens my day, her round radiated [E/C] eyes that I never miss, her long back length [H/C] hair that I play with when she falls asleep on me time to time, her laugh that I could listen to for hours, and her personality that seem to uplift people to motivate others. I just absolutely love her and would do anything to keep her safe even if she doesn't love me back. I finally get to [Name]'s room knocking on the door. It was quiet. I opened to the door to see that [Name] wasn't in bed. My heart ached a little and I began to panic.
"[Name]?! [Name] where are you?!" I was about to run out the room to get the others, but someone jumped me. Sending both of us rolling in the room. I was then forced on my back, on the ground, looking up at the face that I would love to see every morning when I first wake up. [Name]. She had bed rid hair and still had on her pajamas (Room/Pajamas: Look up). That means she just woke up from feeling my presence.
"When you sneak into someone's room, or on someone period, you have to be silent and focus in case they are watching you." The only reason why she know this is because she a kunoichi.
"Morning [Name]."
"Morning Leo. Happy 1 year anniversary." I'm glad she remembers the day we all became the bestest friends. She got off of me and helped me up.
"Why are you up so early?" I asked. She crossed her arms and looked dead at me.
"I could ask you the same thing Leonardo Hamato." I rubbed the back of my head.
"I was going to give you your anniversary gift while you was asleep, but since you are awake." I pulled out a metal ring that looked plain, but more met the eye. I placed it on her finger as if I just proposed to her.
"Thank you, Leo." She said. I moved a few strands of hair out of her face, and rested my hand on her cheek.
"Your welcome. Now get ready for today. The guys and I have plans for us to do today."
"Yay!" She said happily.

[Name]'s POV
Once Leo left I took a shower and put on the perfect outfit I could make (Outfit: Look up). I was then posing myself in the mirror.
"I look good." I grabbed my purse that splinter bought for my months ago and left the room. Once I walked out the room Leo was standing there waiting on me.
"Okay, I'm ready." His eyes widen slightly. "What?" I asked.
"You... look... beautiful." I couldn't help but to smile.
"Thank you, and you look handsome as you always do." I flirted with him a little. I always liked Leo since I met him. I'm glad we are friends, but at time I just want to kiss him, and not a brotherly kiss either, but I had a feeling that he didn't want to be nothing more but friends which pains me.
"Get a room you two!" Mikey yelled from the end of the hall. My face lit up bright red, so did Leo's.
"MIKEY!" Leo and I yelled causing Mikey to run off somewhere. I heard Leo sighed unpleasantly.
"Let's go."
"Okay." We both walked to the kitchen with our hands that accidentally brushing against each other.
"So I was thinking that we could go out today."
"Okay, but after can we watch movies?" You asked. Sure. "Let's make sure that we tell the guys too." You smiled. You got into the kitchen where Splinter, Cody, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey were all eating, and Sterling standing by Cody.
"Why is everyone up so early?"
"Splinter said that we are training early today, because training might longer than it use to." Cody answered.
"And so we can all celebrate the anniversary of our friendship!" Mikey said enthusiastic with his arms wrapped around, and spinning you around. You let out a squeal.
"Mikey put her down before you break her." Raph said. Mikey didn't listen to him and kept on spinning you. Which cause you to knock down a vase and made Sterling panic and caught it before it hit the ground.
"I don't know how lady [Name] could be friends with clumsy sea urchins." He said to himself, but you heard him.
"Because I love 'em, so when do we start training?" I asked. Everyone was silent. You then looked at Donnie, who cough to get your attention.
"You see [Name], it's just the guys who will be training today." Donnie said. I felt kinda of sad that I was being left out, again, but I guess it was for the best. I just didn't like getting different training techniques because I was a girl, but secretly I watch the guys and practice the moves on my own.
"Okay. Well... I guess I can visit Starlee then." I said with a simple struge.
"Are you sure?" Leo said with worry. I guess with Darius Dunn trying to get rid of the Turtles he was worried that he might try something with me.
"Yes, Leo, I'm sure. Don't worry I'll be fine." I assured him. He seemed a little calmer than before.
"Okay, but if anything happens or seems like you can't handle it call me or my brothers. Alright?" I then gave Leo a soldier salute.
"Sir, yes sir." I kissed his cheek, because he care so much, before doing an about-facing out of the penthouse. In the background you heard Leo's brothers making kissing noise and sing "Leo and [Name] sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G., first comes love then comes marriage, then comes Leo pushing a baby carriage." You then heard Splinter shush the boys. You shook your head and laughed at the same time. You called a future cab all the way to O'neil tech.

Good Enough (Leo x Reader x [One-Sided] Dark Leo)Where stories live. Discover now