Chapter 3-Getting Along

Start from the beginning

People were running from store after store. There would be the occassional group of teenagers running around the centre being idiots. Or Mother's trying to calm their crying babies.

"Where are we going first?" Niall asked, looking around at all the different stores around them.

"This one!" Harry yanked Niall inside some kind of toy shop.

"Grab one of those shopping carts, we'll probably be in this store for a very long time," Harry ordered, while admiring a skateboard that was in front of him.

Harry picked up the skateboard and thought it was a good idea to have a try. C'mon, it was Harry's first go at trying to ride a skateboard and he knew Niall would warn him to be careful.

Niall got a shopping cart, only to turn around to see Harry riding the skateboard up and down the aisle.

"Harry, be careful!" Niall warned as he finally caught up to Harry. Just what Harry had expected Niall warning him to be careful.

"I'm always careful!" Harry yelled. As soon as Harry said that he fell off the skateboard, landing on his bum. Niall laughed. 

"Ow!" Harry groaned, his bum surely would have a bruise on it tomorrow. Harry didn't know that falling on a really hard ground on his bum would feel like he broke his bum bone. But do bum's really have a bone?

"Told you to be careful!" Niall laughed louder, his arms curling around his sore ribs for laughing too much.

"Yeah, thanks for asking if I'm okay," Harry said, sarcastically, as he got up from the floor. Harry rubbed his sore bum, soothingly.

"Oh, are you okay?" Niall smirked, holding in his laughter.

"Yeah, absolutely fine," Harry mumbled, putting the skateboard in the shopping cart.

"Hold on. Really? You're going to buy this skateboard after you just fell off it?" Niall raised an eyebrow at him, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Harry put an arm around his shoulders, ignoring the tingles shooting up his arm from touching Niall, "It was my first go, so of course I was going to fall of it." Harry chuckled.

Niall rolled his eyes at him and they walked down the aisles, putting random toys in the shopping cart. Having a laugh or joke here and there.

"Look Niall! Nerf Guns!" Harry ran to the shelf full of them, "We need to get some of these!" He picked up a box and plonked it in the cart Niall was pushing.

Harry gasped, "What day is it today?" He asked.

"Thursday, why?" Niall answered, looking at him confused.

"I just got a good idea. This weekend I heard Liam, Zayn and Louis are going out somewhere and we have the house to ourselves. So do you know what that means?" Harry smirked.

"Nerf Gun fight!" Niall yelled, fistpumping the air. He laughed and plonked another Nerf Gun box in the shopping cart.

"I think this weekend will be fun because I'm with you and Nerf Guns." Harry mumbled and blushed, looking down at the ground trying to hide his face.

It was true Harry was looking forward to spending alone time again with Niall this weekend. This Nerf Gun fight will surely be the best because you know it's going to be with his crush. Harry was always bad at hiding his blushing.

"Aw, is wittle Hazza bwushing? That's coote!" Niall cooed in a baby voice, ruffling Harry's curls.

"Stop!" Harry backed away, blushing like a tomato, "Oh, look at the teddies!" He ran off to the end of the aisle where all the soft toys were placed.

Niall saw what Harry did there, wanting to run away from him and trying to not let him find out that Harry was blushing. But Niall saw it very clearly. But Niall couldn't help but think..

Why was he blushing? Because of their Nerf Gun fight they're going to have, why would Harry blush because of that? Silly Niall! So did he blush because they were spending time together. Alone. This weekend? Niall bit down on his bottom lip.

Does Harry like Niall back? No, of course Harry doesn't like Niall like Niall likes Harry. So maybe he wasn't blushing because of Niall. Okay, Niall was seriously confusing himself now.

Niall's thoughts were interrupted by a teddy being stuffed in his face, it was wearing a scarf with hearts all over it and it's fur was fluffy white.

"Listen to what it says," Harry pushed the teddy's stomach and it said 'I Love You' in some kind of little kid voice, "And I thought, I should give it to you," Harry put the teddy in Niall's hands.

But why would Harry give me a teddy that says I Love You? Is it some kind of clue or something? Niall blushed at the thought.

What Niall thought was true, Harry was trying to give Niall a clue that he loved him but Harry knew that Niall was oblivious about it.

"Aw, thankyou Harry!" Niall smiled at the teddy, this was very cute!

"We'll be closing in 5 minutes, so finish off your last minute shopping," The intercom in the store had announced.

"Let's buy these and get home, yeah?" Harry questioned.

"Can we get ice-cream first before we go home please?" Niall gave Harry his best puppy dog face. No one can resist that face.

He sighed, "Okay, fine."

Harry took the teddy from Niall, making him frown at Harry, "I need to buy it for you, don't I?" Harry smiled at Niall and walked to the register him following behind with the shopping cart.

They finally paid for all the stuff they got and went for a walk to the ice-cream parlour. They got their favourite ice-cream flavours and walked to the car, packing everything in the boot.

"Umm.. Ni, you've got a bit of..." Harry pointed to his own nose to indicate that Niall had ice-cream on his nose.

Niall tried to wipe it off but he believed that he had missed it. Harry bought his thumb up to Niall nose, wiping it away. Niall stared into his eyes and Harry stared back. Again, getting lost in each other's eyes. Niall cleared his throat, even though he really liked the position.

Niall and Harry both couldn't believe it, they almost had another kiss shared. Luckily Niall stopped it from happening, Harry thought.

They pulled away and awkwardly hopped in the car. They made their way home with another silence coming upon them again until Niall broke it, "I had fun today. Thankyou Harry," Harry looked at him and smiled before concentrating on the road again.

"So did I, Ni, So did I." He sighed.

They both did have an amazing day together and they couldn't wait till the weekend.

Niall cuddled up to his teddy that Harry gave him, it'll never leave his side now, "I'm going to call him, Narry!" Niall announced, looking down at the stuffed toy.

"Who?" Harry questioned.

"The teddy you gave me, Narry!" Niall smiled. Harry smiled as well, "Is that our bromance name?" He asked, looking back at Niall and then at the road again.

Niall blushed, looking out the passenger window, "Maybe..." He mumbled, Harry laughed silently and they finally reached home, pulling up in the driveway. Harry looked at Niall and gave him that smile with the gorgeous dimples again.

"You're too cute! Narry it is!" Harry cheered.

But Harry didn't notice that Niall also gave him a hint that he loved him.


Here we go a long cute chapter of Narry fluffiness.

I'm proud of this chapter actually!

So yeah...

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-Shan. xo

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