Cleaning the house wasn't much of a hustle. Busi was there assisting in doing laundry and surprisingly she is not as bad as she thought. But she doesn’t come close to miss jet neg. She is on her way to the hospital hoping to hear great news. She smiles crossing the road thinking positively. She bumps into Mpilo, their eyes meet.
"Can I pass?" 
Mpilo moves aside an looks at her until she entered the hospital. She heard him click his tongue, she doesn't need drama, her man needs her attention more than anything.
She finds the doctors busy with him. She's standing out the door looking through the glass. Tears blurred her vision. Not in her wildest dream has she ever thought that her man will be turn around in bed like a corpse.
The two nurses walk out, they are done with him. She enters with her wobbly legs and a heavy heart. They told her to be strong for him - to have a positive energy. They told her to hold on and God shall answers her payer's. Is it even possible in this state? 
She sits down and takes his cold hand. She kisses the back of it hoping that he will squeeze her hand assuring her that he is fine and will be. She silently cries and turns to look on the side, at the back of her head she thinks he is aware of her being heart broken.
She takes a deep breath trying not to break down…


Today is a sunny day, a beautiful day for them to explore Cape Town. 
He finished bathing just waiting for missy to finish. Atleast her sinus toned down at night she had all the time to sleep and prepare her body for activities for the day. 
He cannot wait for the day. 
"Why do woman take time?" He is very much impatient. He has his hands in his black and white Adidas track pants pocket. Wearing all sporty today. Onyiye is wearing her high waste black jeans with a white crop-top accompanied with a black biker jacket.
"I'm done, we can go." She tells him. She presses her lips together making sure that her nude lipstick is intact. "I want a picture." She hands him her phone but remembers. "Your phone has perfect quality. Give me." He looks at her stunned. She is not even asking him but demanding. He completely zones out looking at her. She fishes for his phone in his pocket, unlocks it with a password and begins taking selfies. 
"I want a full picture." She's bubbly and happy today. Is it because they are going out? She is surely behaving like a 20 year old today and he loves it!
He is tired of taking every picture in every angle. Turn the camera this way, you're too close, hold it up, hold it down…
"Are you done?" He asks locking his phone and putting it back into his pocket.
"For now, yes." And just like that he is loosing his space on his phone including his data. He better remove this iPhone infront of her eyes. Samsung girl is pilling up on his phone day by day, not that he is complaining. 
"I want to ride a cable car." She's beaming in excitement. This is not what he signed for the day. 
"Babe, are you okay?" He has never seen her this happy and it scares him. He pyits his hand on her forehead feeling her temperature.
"Yes, why?" She's confused.
"I thought you were afraid of heights." 
She will definitely die young. Who offers their death on a silver platter?
"This one I can manage." She proudly says clapping her hands. 
"Have you seen the height of that thing you want to be in?" 
"I googled it and I think I can manage." 
He wonders how will she manage - a woman who was afraid of a plane taking off!

They drive out of the hotel with her doing video's and capturing every building they pass.
"I love Cape Town. My dream came true." He reaches for her thigh and squeezes it a bit. 
"You are yet to see the world babe." 
And that is a fact he is willing to fulfil.
The robot turns red - he drives slowly approaching the robots. Onyiye opens the window and put her shades on. An SUV parks next to their hired car with two men inside. She puts her shades above her head and smiles pulling Sthembiso for a quick kiss. 
Sthembiso smiles leaning over kissing her more. She giggles and pushes him off. She looks outside the window smiling. The men smiled and waved at her. She waved back smiling.
"Can I have your number?" One whispers enough for Sthembiso to hear.
Sthembiso frowns looking at Onyiye. His heart pounds a bit.
"Nah, I'm taken and I'm happy." She shouts.
"Whatever love portion you gave her, I also want it." The man says in that black SUV tells Sthembiso.
Sthembiso laughs a bit. 
"I have my own, I shall give you." He shouts back. 
"By the way, she looks lovely." The man winks - the robot turns green. The SUV drives along in full speed leaving them behind. 
"I don't like how they were looking at you." He confesses and drives off following the car.
"No matter how much they look at me, they will never have me." That assurance in her voice made his blood flow a bit in happiness. 
"Ncrr child." He smiles holding her hand.
Seeing her this happy made him remember the night she gave him her pride. She was all over the place having time of her life. Singing with that horrible voice.
"Only with you, I learned to breathe." Out of the blue he says. She pauses eating her ice-cream and burst with laughter. They are chilling in the park looking at the kids playing around. Just seeing the smile on her face is enough to keep him satisfied for the rest of his life. Seeing her happy again after a grow up struggle is better than any feeling in the world. He never want to see her sad again. "This will be worth it, Ndoni. Everything you had to go through growing up. I promise. Even if you have to wait for me after fucking up, I'll make it worth it." The smile fades from her eyes and she clutches her hand to her heart.
"You already have, Sthembiso." That. Right there. He don't deserve her. He walks swiftly back to where she's standing and take her face in his hands. "I mean it," he says. "I love you so damn much, it hurts." He forces his lips against hers, then pull away just as fast. "But it hurts in a really good way." He smiles making her to blush. This is what he signed up for. He doesn't see himself with any other woman besides her.

After eating ice cream he decided to do what the miss wants.
One minute it’s a perfectly normal ride on the cable car ride that she requested. Before she could enter her size four she started shaking in fear. She was exited minutes ago, all happy and all smiles the next minute, it feels like she's on a boat on rough sea, feeling all giddy and nauseated.
"I told you not to eat ice-cream." He looks at her gagging with her eyes closed. A moment, he takes out his phone and begins recording her. "Babe, you are embarrassing me."
"Can we jump off?" Came out as a whisper. He laughs out loud making her tears flow down her cheeks.
"Hai babe, we a half way through. Just hold on." He takes her hand and holds it firmly. She is a shaking leaf.
He stops recording her and post the video on Facebook.
"She wanted to ride the cable car ride, now she is embarrassing me!" He logs out and puts his phone back to his pocket. He wraps his arms around her neck and wipe the falling tears.
This woman is a total embarrassment. He laughs on the inside.
"Are we there yet?" She asks - she still has her eyes closed.
"Open your eyes, the ride has stopped." He tells her. She slowly opens her eyes and looks down. She screams and climbs on him.
"Sthembiso!" Now all eyes are on him!
He laughs holding her tight.
She looks cute when she's afraid and he loves it.


The fact that Sisipho hates waking up in the morning. She wanted the job and now that she has found it she is becoming lazy day by day.
She hasn't opened her phone, the thought of turning it on just makes her want to puke.
"Isn't this not your sister?" One of her colleagues asks. Sisipho frowns taking her phone.
"I wonder what that useless child has done now. I swear this stupid girl likes embarrassing us." She clicks her tongue. She seethes her teeth and look at the pictures and videos posted on Facebook by a particular man!
"Clearly, you haven't seen the latest updates. This girl is rolling in money."
Sisipho decides to keep quite and do not comment to her statement. She continues to watch with her mouth partially opened.
"When was this?"
"Check the dates. But I think it's recent." She adds.
"No it can't be." He voice is barely out.
"Yes dear. When Jesus say yes, nobody can say no." The girl snatches her phone out of her hands and walks away leaving Sisipho lost and confused.
She has suddenly lost appetite. Maybe it's not her. People look the same all day and damn time. There is no way that - that girl is Onyiye. She refuses to believe that.
She closes her food and pushes it aside. She takes her phone out of her breast and switches it on.
She never logs out on her Facebook and it has been a habit.
Last time Onyiye sent her a friend request and she never bothered accepting it. Seems like she deleted the friend request because she is not on the request list.
She searches her on Facebook, unable to spot her...
The annoying notifications keep on flooding making her even annoyed. She goes on her notification section and notices that she has been tagged multiple times.
"Shane requests for you presence now!" She cringes hearing the name Shane. She sighs in fear and locks it. She stands up and follows her supervisor shortly.
She finds everyone in Shane's office. She wonders who stole what. Whenever they are called all at once in this office it’s definitely because of stealing.
She stands next to her colleague's and loudly sighs.
"I don't have all day, so I'm going ask you this one question. Who amongst yourl stole my money?" Shane's asks and the rooms becomes silent.
"I didn't." Sisipho replies in confidence. She wouldn't dare steal from this white old man. She knows the consequences of the outcome.
"So all of you do not know?" He asks leaning back.
The room is silent, breaths being held within.
Shane picks up a purple bag and throws it on the floor.
"Who's bag is this?" He asks playing with a pen.
"Mine's. What are you doing with my bag." Sisipho hisses and picks her bag up. She gasps looking at the amount of money in her bag. "Who put money in here!" She half screams.
"Everyone is excused." Shane dismisses everyone.
"I swear I didn't steal your money." She in the verge of crying.
"You're fired."
Just like that she has lost her job. She cannot be fired when she needs the job the most.
"Shane, please. I did not steal your, money I swear."
"Get out before I call security on you." He stands up and strides towards her.
"I swear, I didn't steal. I'll be in your bed tonight. Please just don't fire me. My mother needs the money more than me." Tears roll down her cheeks.
"Your a waste sweetheart. You don't turn me on any longer. Now leave my premises before I call the cops for trespassing and stealing. Poverty makes you do the unthinkable." He smiles and walks out of his office leaving her to burst in tears.
Anger and pain, followed by feelings of confusion and disillusionment
The sudden of the overwhelmed crippling sensation of powerlessness, depression and fear. How will she take care of her sick mother?
How will she take care of the child she is caring.
There is a knot in the pit of her stomach. You know that dissociative feeling where you can see yourself almost from above? That is how she definitely feels.
She feels muddled and blended into one negative, twisty, dismal feeling.

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