She's packing the last bits of her clothes with a heavy heart. As much as she enjoyed being in her parents house she's sad that she is leaving again.
She looks at the window and smiles emotionally.
The events of that day when she sneaked out of the window and being caught. It was fun but a dangerous game. This window will forever be a memory for her. Imagine if she made headlines 'a girl who sneaked out for a boy had trouble sneaking back in'!
"Ready?" Her mother asks stepping inside of her room. She trails out of her thoughts and nods her head with tears blinding her vision.
"I will miss you." She confesses.
As much as she was a bad girl lately her mother kept her going everyday.
Those suicidal thoughts have vanished. Maybe she needed to be home with her mother and forget about everything and everyone. Being out of the social media for a little while and it helped alot.
"I will miss you too noma ubuhlupha nje. And Lindiwe..."
"Mah," she looks at her mother smiling.
Her mother places her hand on her shoulder and sighs smiling.
"Thank you for bringing my marriage back." She pulls her into a tight hug rubbing her hair.
"Mah, you are messing my hair!" She untangles herself from the tight grip. "You are the best child."
Indeed she is. This woman thought her marriage was over but her little devil rekindled everything.
"I know and thank you."
"When will you be back?" She doesn't want her only child to be this far away from her.
"December holidays."
"That's far," she sits in the bed looking sad.
"I'll see if my schedule allows me to come this side."
How is everyone at home?" The darling boyfriend decided to fetch her today just because he was missing her and a day with them seeing each other haunts him to the worst.
"They fine, my mum sends her regards."
He is shocked his facial expression say it all.
"Are you sure she did?" He asks.
"What do you mean"
"I mean your mother hates me because I made her only child sneak out of the window at night just for a kiss."
She fits with laughter and looks outside the window.
"You crazy."
"I know, you are making me." He pouts letting go of the gear and holds her hand firmly with so much care. "Ngiyakuncanwa."
"I love you too."
The drive was pretty shortened with Sizwe throwing all of those insults of sweet comments. He made her laugh and cry in just two hours. He is now helping her unpack everything.
"You sure you don't want me to stay over?" Isn't he everyone's dream boyfriend?
"I'll be fine babe."
He gives her a loving hug and steps back smiling. That smile....
"Call me if you need anything."
"Sizwe, judging from your words i can bet on my grandmother's grave that you will be back here in the middle of the night and say I just wanted to make sure that you have everything you need." She tries mimicking his voice.
"I don't speak like a squirrel!" He is shocked!
"I didn't say you speak like one. It's just you wanting to fit where you don't belong babe." She's laughing. It's time for her to celebrate after everything her has put her through. By making her jump out of that window.
"Hau babe, you know what I'm no longer going." He huffs taking off his shoes, pants and his jersey.
"I knew that you were up to something." She's laughing hard. Even the ghost from the heaven mortuary can hear.
"Can I sleep in peace?" He covers himself with a blanket rolling his eyes.
She's doing her revision. An unexpected assignment just popped up and she's forced to stay awake all night. She's trying to mix the numbers but nothing is going in through that head of hers.
She's biting her pen in frustration!
"I think that pain will break the way you are chewing it."
"I cannot seem to get this straight?" She half screams throwing her books scattering in the floor.
Sizwe wakes up and looks at her with his eyebrows ached.
"What did I tell you?" He asks folding his arms across his chest.
"That I should've open up and tell you if something is bothering me."
"Then what are you doing?" He wants to know.
"I just got frustrated and mad that I cannot solve one single equation."
"I get you. Know pick those books up get your thick arse out of that door and walk back in once you have calmed."
She looks at him shocked. He knows very well that she is afraid of the dark.
"I'm ready, phuma Sisi." He points out of the door. He always does this whenever she is angry. But her anger it's something that has resurfaced - anger that she didn't know that she had.
She picks her books up placing them on top of the bed and walks out.
"Are you now calmed?" He asks scanning her face.
"Yes, I'm sorry for waking you up." She's embarrassed.
"Come here," she sits next to him.
"Next time if you have a problem tell me before you get angry over something that's very much fixable and easy to handle. Take time in you to answer before confirming that you are wrong or correct. I've always asked you to look for assistance from me if you need one. I will be very delighted to help you my love. Now tell your ndoda why were you so grumpy earlier on?" He is rubbing her feet.
She sighs relaxing her muscles. "I was trying to solve the equation but then my mind is totally blank." She's being honest.
"Okay, give me your books and we will start from scratch."


"I'm having trouble sleeping. Are you sure that those kids are not Onyiye's?" Ntombi asks Sisipho who was polishing her toe nails.
"That stupid guy looked exactly like Nqimu. Maybe it's the father of her kids who knows." She shrug her shoulders.
"I've been trying to call her phone is not going through. Sandi says she left without telling her. I swear that this child will be seriously the death of me. Imagine me finding her a job that will feed her and her unhealthy kids she goes around and does this?"
She livid and mad.
"I told you not to give her the job. She decided to pack up and run. Who knows, maybe she was sleeping with Anti Sandi's husband. It all makes sense - why would she just leave without telling anyone of her whereabouts?" Sisipho.
"Yazi I should have aborted that good for nothing while I still had a chance. I'm sure wherever she is she is opening her legs for everything that has a tail in-between." She clicks her tongue in so much annoyance.
"I think it's just better off with her being wherever she is. She has been stressing you for far too long now."
"Why didn't she just be like you, wait for the right things in life. You are working and not dependent on a man. You don't have fatherless kids. How did she even fall pregnant with the second one because as far as I'm concerned I've never seen her pregnant."
"Have you ever heard of I didn't know I was pregnant?" Sisipho asks her mother who just looked at her dumbfounded.

"I'm off to sleep." Her mother says standing up heading to her bedroom.
She's tossing and turning with her emotions very high. Maybe she is cold. She peals the blankets off her body and goes to the wardrobe to take a blanket.
A toy mistakenly falls out of her blanket causing her to jump a little in fright.
"What is this?" She asks picking it up. She looks at it closely and notices that this toy belongs to Ndimu her grandson she despises alot.
She now remembers how this toy landed in her blanket.
Onyiye was washing her blankets on a sunny day....
She had placed Ndimu on this blanket while she was busy doing the laundry. The minute she saw that Ndimu is sleeping on her clean blanket, she flipped and started insulting her with all the insults one can think of.
"You are a good for nothing piece of trash! You are just like your useless father who left you for me to raise. I hate you!" She remembers like it was just hours ago. She closes her eyes as all the flashbacks came back flooding. She almost stomped on Ndimu's tiny face and just because her mother was there to protect him Onyiye shielded for her baby and ended up getting a meaningful kick instead. She's great full that she has left the house and she won't be seeing her face anytime soon.
She throws the toy aside and jumps in bed trying to get some sleep but nothing - sleep evaded....
"God!" She's frustrated to a point that she just feels like throwing everything on the wall.
She gets off the bed to goes drink water in the kitchen....

Sleep is definitely missing its address today. Will she forever be this sleepless. It's something that didn’t start as in today, but it's something that has been happening alot lately. Maybe she is now loosing it. Maybe she needs sleeping tablets. She remembers that she still has one of those. Maybe popping in one or two will make her sleep immediately.
After drinking those pills - overdose. He body felt cold as ice. She didn't understand the coldness...
Her eyes getting heavier by the second. Her body reacting to the sleeping pills. This is just what she needed

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