She's cleaning the mess Ndimu made. This child is way too active and she cannot pick up.
She sits down on her sponge in an empty house and it kind of feels weird - no kids, no noise, no one to shout to.
Maybe taking a nap will do.


She's in res bored to death. She steps out of the shower wrapping herself with a towel. She's alone with no Thabi throwing shades around.
The door harshly closes making her to flinch a bit.
Three girls walk in and lock the door turning to face her.
"Yes wena," Lindiwe step backwards with fear. She leans against the wall with her heart pumping in agony filled with fear.
"Th….Thabi is n….not here." She stutters afraidly.
"We came to see you." One smirks taking steps towards her.
"A boyfriend snatcher." Another responds grabbing her braids forcefully making her to flinch.
"You hurting me!" She says holding back the tears awaiting to drop out of her eyes. One of the girls grab the towel that was wrapped around her thick body leaving her naked.
She tries hiding her breasts and honey pot for protection but fails. Being pulled by your braids is extremely painful - it's an unbearable pain that one cannot take.
A harsh slap lands on her face closing her left eye instantly. She screams out of pain and tries holding her face but her hands quickly fly back to the head.
"Let me go!" She screams and tries wiggling herself out of the tight grip.
"I need to take a video of this!" One of the girls beam in excitement already recording the events.
"Hold her from behind." They instruct each other.
One kick - the pain becomes more generalised when it reaches the abdomen. The feeling of pressure is intensified by cramping. She groans painfully with thick saliva dripping out of her mouth. Another punch on the face and she's being thrown on the floors.
"Hold her legs apart." She tries curling herself into a ball but she's being pulled by all directions.
Her legs are being forcefully open exposing her honey pot. Her hands are being held against her head. No movement - hurt, the shame….
"Awemahhh!" She cries out loud making the three girls to laugh.
"This is I want to show to every school mate. Infact, I want the whole world to see this. I'm posting it on Facebook and tagging everyone!" She lowers her phone taking a closer view of her neatly shaved nuna.

Her depression hit its lowest point when she didn’t feel anything anymore. She cried, but she was numb. She didn’t care about anything or anyone.

They have left and she is left alone with a throbbing headache. Her eyesight is blurry - she's bleeding from the noise and her swollen mouth.
She drags her body from the floor trying to hold of her phone.
Typing that password felt like a punishment she cannot explain. Her fingers hurt. They stomped on it multiple times until they were numb from pain.
After three failed attempts her phone finally unlocks.
Last number that called her she presses through her blurry vision.
"He….he….help." Her hand gets heavier by the second. She removes her hand slowly as it dropped on the floor with the call still running. She can feel her heart beat stopping second by second.

Hearing voices from afar….

She feels like she's sleeping on a block of concrete. She feels disoriented, confused, grouchy, scared, embarrassed. Pain medication can make you feel irritable. Loss of strength, joint function and mobility. That’s how she feels, a feeling that is unexplainable.
She feels scared and embarrassed. Her vision is still blurry on the left side eye. A tall masculine figure standing right infront of he eyes.
"Mnono," that's a males voice. Her body shivers from the sight of him. "Babe - it's me."
Her lips tremble….
"Shhh, I'm here now don't cry." The bed deepens accommodating the heavy weight. "I'm here babe."
The events are flashing right before her eyes. Maybe she is loosing it.
"My patient is awake." The doctor says stepping inside. "Your lip has been stitched finely - it will heal in no time. Luckily you do not have any brain damages and no nerve was damaged."
He scans her eyes again. "Once the swelling goes down your eyesight will be back to normal. Jjus need alot of rest and take it easy."

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