She peels the pad off her panties, rolling it and secures it with a toilet paper throwing it in the bin.
She pulls her panties up and flushes the toilet with Mpilo gawking at her. She washes her hands wiping them with her towel that she was bought.
"You should have some of your clothes here?" Mpilo suggest.
"Haibo! Why?"
Ain't the boy moving too fast? Soon he will be asking her to move in with him.
"For control." He leaves her standing and goes back to the room leaving her astonished.
She follows shortly after she has recovered and collected her mind.
She gets in bed….
"Tomorrow afternoon I expect some of your clothes here. I should ask Mbuso to make you a disk and I will make a spare key for you."
"Don't you think that maybe you are moving ok fast?" Concerning!
She pulls the duvet covering her legs and leans against the headboard. He joins in shortly after getting fully naked. That's how he enjoys sleeping.
"No, I love being next to what's mine. I won't get in the way of your studies and that is a promise."
He takes her hand and entwine his finger with hers. "I love how soft your body is?" Seductive as much!
She smiles looking on the side.
"You need to change your braids."
"I don't have money." She responds.
"But you have money to give you your friend?" He raises his eyebrows.
"Onyiye is the only friend I've known since primary. She's always there for me - she's very good in math and she used to do my homework’s without asking anything in return. You see that girl, she is everything in me. I would rather give her that last that I have then to let her suffer. She grew up suffering at home so….let's not talk about this."
"Okay, I understand. But I have one last question, why do you call each other sthuphethu?" Lindiwe laughs. Surely he listens to every conversation.
"Because she got pregnant at the matric dance and she doesn't know who the father of her baby is." She laughs.
"That's baby you were carrying is hers? The babies on your p.p are hers?"
"Yes, but they are mines too. We had this conversation, why are we repeating it?"
"I love repeating conversations."
Haibo! Who does that in the 21 century.
"You boring."
"Not my dick though." He says making her to laugh out loud and this is what he wishes could go down every day.


"Are you sure Durban is the place you want to be in?" Ask Khoza who was focused on the road.
"I'm sure. I have to find them before Dumisani does. I have a feeling that he has her pictures."
"I get you. I'll ask my woman to help in, maybe she might find something."
Khoza offering to help to a brother in need.
"Appreciated. So what is the plan of the one's following behind?"
Sthembiso glances at Biggies car that was following them. Tazz is infront with his red Tazz….
"Watch and see." They approach the robots and they all stand in one lane. The light turn green, Khoza indicates right and Tazz takes the right lane. They drive a bit faster leaving Biggie's car far behind. Khoza presses a button that he hand on his hands and the car blew into flames scattering all over the road.
"Ow Jehova sibawoti!" Sthembiso squeals in shock and farts. "Undress my eyes in these circumstances. I think my bladder is full no empty. Ow God, are they dead? I want to throw up."
"I told you to be a man and grow some balls!"
"How many must I grow? You don't understand do you? I saw them through those flames - they shrinked no the were chopped into pieces!"
He half screams.

Khoza takes a short left with Tazz following behind. He ignores Sthembiso's baby cries.
Six hours and forty minutes on the road and finally they are in Durban. Sthembiso is struggling to get any sleep. Pictures of flames, screams….
He sits up straight - they checked in a hotel in the middle of the night. Maybe he will be facing death penalty. He slowly gets of the enormous bed heading to the bathroom to pee. He looks at the reflection of himself on the mirror.
His hand travels down to where his balls are - he has two.
What did Khoza mean when he said he should grow some balls?
Are peeing he shakes his member emptying it and tucks it back inside and goes back to bed.
He kneels on the bed and says a little prayer. "Ow father, who are artist in heaven. Amen, Moya oyingcwele."


The following morning she has prepared herself to go to be in the doctors.
Sbahle fetched her and sent her to the doctor….
The doctor is using the slit lamp to check Ndimu's eyes. He has been inspecting him for the past 15 minutes.
"It's too early to tell if surgery is required. But what I have noticed is that he has a short eye sight and at this point at his age - unfortunately glasses are required."
"Isn't he too young for him to wear glasses? Can't you give him medication atleast?" The concerned mother asks. Onyiye doesn't see her son wearing glasses. Atleast another option can be provided.
"Yes, eye drops will be provided. But the glasses will stop his eye from twitching to the right frequently. Once his a year old, then we can determine if surgery is required or not. At this point it's too early to tell and his muscles are not yet strong to hold an operation for hours."
She sighs sadly, "I hear you, so what now?" She give Ndimu his bottle that has glucose in it. Ngimuphiwe is at home with Mam Philisiwe.
"What's that in his bottle?"
"Glucose." She responds.
"How often do give him? Ever since you got her you have been giving him that."
"Everyday," she responds.
"More like she gives him every hour." Sbahle chirps in poking her with her elbow.
"Glucose is good and bad. It can also have many negative health effects. Hyperglycaemia can damage the vessels that supply blood to vital organs, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, kidney disease, vision problems, and nerve problems
It can further cause confusion, fever, sweating, pale skin, severe shortness of breath, chest pain. When babies are between 6 and 12 months of age, breast milk or formula continues to be a priority over water. But if you offer breast milk or formula first, you can then offer water, 2-3 ounces at a time. For now, stop giving him glucose." The doctor suggests.
"Okay I understand."
"Apply these eye drops every morning. You will be here on this date to collect the infants glasses. Babies don't develop vision from distance until they are around 12 months old, but if they are showing signs that their sight is not developing properly, they will be prescribed glasses - just like this champ here." The doctor touches Ndimu’s hair.

“I can't believe my son will wear glasses."
Onyiye says stepping out of the doctors. "Can't wait to see them. Imagine how cute he will be." Sbahle says unlocking her Avanza. She takes Ndimu from Onyiye buckling him up on his car seat.
"Eish I forgot my phone in the table." Onyiye remembers. "I will be back." She runs back inside leaving sbahle in stitches.
"You mother is something else boy." He opens a packet of chips and hands it to him. "Don't drop them bro." Ndimu grins clapping his hands in excitement. She looks at his face and smiles….
Sbahle spots Onyiye from a distance and gets in the car waiting for her.
Onyiye bumps into some guy who was heavily beaten.
"Askies." He says walking past her. He looks at her closely as his heart pounded. Is this who he thinks it is?
"Next time watch where you going."
"Excuse me Sisi, can we talk. Like talk." He comes closer but Onyiye takes steps back. "I love you. I have been looking for you all this while."
"You sick." She runs towards the car with the man limping behind her. She gets into the car closing it with her heart pounding.
"And then?"
"I don't know. I think he is sick or something. He is not himself." She's shivering out of fear. Sbahle looks at him closely but she doesn't recognise him one bit.
"Shame, wonder what happened to him." She roars the engine, reverses out of the parking lot and drives off.

"I love McDonald's, it's so nice." She's licking her fingers enjoying every bite of it.
"I can tell," Sbahle says leaning back looking at Onyiye taking huge bites.
"You will choke! Slow down." She tells her."
"You have no idea what I'm feeling right now. Wena you are used to this. Can you believe that this is the first time of me eating such. A burger to be precise."
Sbahle laughs shaking her head. It's funny how she's is enjoying and watching her eat. It's memorable.
"You will have alot of those." She looks at her watch. "We should get going. I have to be somewhere."

Sbahle drives through the hotel parking lot. "Look Ndimu, that man has the same exact hair as yours." Sbahle points out at the skinny man who just took a corner.
"Where?" Onyiye moves her eyes off Ndimu. She is cleaning the mess Ndimu made with the chips he was given.
"He was right there, he is gone. Sorry your loss." Sbahle giggles looking at the annoyed Onyiye. "Ncese, next time. Don't leave this car I will be back." She steps out and walks towards the hotel.
Onyiye is left in the car admiring the tall buildings. Indeed Durban is truly beautiful. It's so unlike Eshowe. Her hometown is so small but yet homely.
"I wonder how things are at home." She sighs leaning her head back. She wonders if would she have been this open and free. When was the last time her heart felt at ease? Never! This is the first. And she now truly believes that God works in different ways.

ONYIYE THAT GIRLWhere stories live. Discover now