He finally gets of the bed and have the strength to wear his clothes - steps out of the room finding Nokwazi making cheese toasted sandwich.
"Can you also make some for me?" He hugs her from behind. She keeps quite and continues to be busy. He turns her around to face him.
"Okay, I'm just under alot of stress babe that my babe will come sooner than expected and worstly I haven't started working. Next week Monday seems a bit far and…."
She kisses his lips. Nokwazi is an average height with Smanga. He kisses her back.
"I told you to stop bickering yourself with thoughts and focus on the future. We are totally covered for this month, so you have nothing to worry about. And about your first pay on that tender you will be earning pretty much more."
He stares at her taking a smile - the coldness in the stare.
"You beautiful." He says randomly making her to smile.
"Thank you." She blushes but something is just off.

Maybe they are going through a rough patch and their relationship feels rocky, or perhaps they are transitioning out of the honeymoon phase.
He feels bad already for imaging her as someone else how worse could it get!
He pulls her into a tight hug and again he is disappointed - she doesn't lean on his chest but leans on his shoulder.
"We will be fine." He assures her.
"Yes we will." She simply has no clue of what's going on.
"Now make your man that sandwich." She smiles…..


"So Khoza, you mean to tell me that Dumisani, my brother went and ranted on the cops about our hustle just because he is after my baby mama?"
Sthembiso is pacing up and down in frustration. "I swear that bitch will…."
"Listen Sthembiso, your brother is not worth it. You should be worried that he is in Durban as we speak in a holding cell singing like a canoe that he is." Khoza packs up the last bits of his equipment.
"I am going to Durban." He pulls his bag pack from the bed. "I swear I'm going to kill him before Jesus does."
Khoza sighs looking at him. Talking to him now will not calm him down. Looks like he is adding more to it.
"Put these in a van." Khoza hands Biggy the laptops. He looks at him as he walked out and turn to face Sthembiso. "I want you to look me in the eyes and confirm that you are a man not a coward. Mark my words - It's me, you and Tazz."
Sthembiso looks at him confused and later his mind registers. "What!" Khoza zips his mouth by putting his hands on his mouth.
"Yes, we have to do it!"
"I am beginning to have questions about you. How am I sure that I will not follow? How will I trust you that it's not me that you want to terminate?"
"Because I trust. I know more than you know yourself.”

They are packed ready to leave. They hand John his house keys.
“Remember, we don’t know each other and we never met. We will meet again.” Khoza and Sthembiso step out of the house heading to the car. “We will make it look like an accident.” Khoza tells Sthembiso who looked at him and felt his arse shivering from ice.


He won't ever miss an opportunity to prove he is right and makes you feel inferior. He will go beyond boundaries just to prove his point, even if doesn't add up to any value in the relationship, he still makes sure to prove in front of you.
She's stirring the pot looking at Mpilo who was focused on her phone. Is he a psychopath, perhaps? She has a lot of concerns. She doesn't recall being asked out on a date - the first day he kissed her he claimed her just like that. She was claimed like a bet!
Tears blind her vision….she sniffs closing the pot. Mpilo tilts his head looking at her with a slight frown on his face.
"Stufuza, uright?" He puts her phone down and sighs standing up. She's afraid of him and he can tell.
He doesn't blame her though, he had her locked up all weekend….
"I want to go home." She misses her home more than anything.
"Why?" He stands right infront of her. His perfume smells so divine!
"I miss my mum." It's the truth. She has never been away from her mother his long.
"Okay I'll ask my uncle I drive you home since I'm not allowed to drive long distances." He says caressing on her chubby weat cheeks from tears. Are woman always this emotional? His inner self asks.
"I will catch taxis don't worry." She responds looking away from him.
"Are you going to see that useless boyfriend of yours? I'll kill him then hand myself in to the cops."
She looks at him astonished. She has confirmed her suspicions, this man is a psychopath.
She takes steps back - looking afraid.
"I don't hurt women, but if you think twice of cheating on me I won't hesitate to fuck every hole in your body." He roughly pulls her towards him. "You should get this into your head. You are my woman and I'm your man." He smiles revealing those perfect teeth. She shivers a bit….

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