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The sun shone brightly as Ines slowly woke up

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The sun shone brightly as Ines slowly woke up. Like every other person on an early morning, she wanted to sleep in, but then realized that today was the day she was going back to her second home. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Today, she was going to start her fifth year in Hogwarts. She was very excited yet nervous, both at the same time. Excited because she would meeting her friends. Nervous because this year she had the most scary (in her opinion) exam. O.W.L.S. Shaking the thoughts off, she got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready.

James Potter woke up with a groan. Sure he was excited to go back to Hogwarts and meet his mates, but he certainly did not want to wake up early in the morning. Clearly, he wasn't a morning person. But suddenly, excitement rushed through him as he realized he would see his Lily-flower. And of course, he was also excited about meeting his best friends. So, he quickly got up his bed and rushed to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for another fun year.


The Kings Cross Station was a full mess when Nyx reached there. She reached in between of Platform 9 and 10, ready to run in the wall. Here goes nothin'. She thought and run into the wall with her eyes closed. Before she knew, she was on Platform 9 3/4. She pushed the trolley ahead, searching for her Gryffindor best friend. Rosalie Hepburn, a beautiful redhead with freckles who had boys lining up behind her. Rosalie wasn't here yet, as usual, so she got into the train, found an empty compartment , put her stuff there and sat, waiting for her best friend.

Despite getting up early, James Fleamont Potter was late for his train. The train was about to leave in five minutes when he reached the station. He found his friends, who were waiting for him, got into the train with his stuff, and started finding an empty compartment for him and his friends. He soon found a compartment which looked empty, but as soon he opened the door, he found a beautiful blonde sitting near the window and across her was a pretty redhead, both of them reading books.


"Do you mind if we sit here, ladies? Everywhere else is full." Asked James.

"No, not at all." Answered the blonde, sweetly.

The boys seated themselves. Sirius and Remus beside the blonde, and James and Peter beside the redhead.


Nyx was quietly reading her novel, when a voice broke the silence. The voice belonged to none other than Sirius Black, The playboy of the school.

"I didn't get your name, darling" He said in an audible whisper.

"And why would I tell you my name?" Nyx asked loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Uh, I was just wondering we could be friends." He replied.

"Oh." Was all he got as an answer instead of her name.

"So, what is your name?" He asked again.

"I'm Ines. Ines Salvatore. But you can call me Nyx." She replied.

"Holy shit! You're the famous Salvatore." He exclaimed in surprise.

"I guess I am." She said before going back to reading.


None of the boys had seen such a beautiful woman ever. Sirius couldn't stop taking his eyes off her.

"Staring at me won't get me in your bed, Black." Nyx said suddenly. The other three boys snorted, while Sirius' face went red. Rosalie, the redhead, looked at Nyx with a proud face.

"I wasn't staring." Sirius muttered.

"Sure." Was all she said before going silent again.


The whole journey was filled with tiny comments and silly banters. But, Nyx wasn't enjoying it too much. She found the boys 'too loud'. Soon, the 'chaotic' train ride was over and Nyx couldn't be happier. And before they knew, they were sitting in the Great Hall, having dinner. All while, Nyx could feel eyes on her, but she decided to ignore them.


Author speaks ~

Short chapter, but we could consider this as a prologue (maybe).

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