Jennie: Y/N, can I talk to you? It was wrong, what Irene said. I know it.

Y/N: Did you know it was wrong when she said it?

Jennie: Yeah. I wanted to slap her. But we were in the library.

Y/N: So instead you just agreed with her and laughed.

Jennie: Yeah.

Y/N: Then that makes you a coward.

There goes my chance of talking to her.  I had to sit across from Y/N for an entire dinner. My dad was right. We should have barbecued.

Mrs. Kim: I just want to say how wonderful it is to have you share a meal with us. May it be the first of many.

My mother cheerily stated which made my father choke.

Mr. Kim: Wrong pipe.

Mrs. Park: Well, we couldn't be happier. We are just all so thrilled to be here.

Mrs. Kim: Y/N, you did a really nice job on your yard.

Y/N: Thanks. Mr. Lee was a big help.

Mr. Kim: Yeah, I know. You gotta tell me your secret. I can't get him to do a thing around here.

Mrs. Kim: Honey.

Mr. Kim: I kid. Anyway, I'm telling you, the neighborhood is really coming to life. I mean, that new house is taking shape.

Mrs. Kim: Which one?

Mr. Kims You know, the one where they cut down that big ugly tree.

I wanted to say that a lot of people liked that tree, but I didn't. I didn't want to go against my dad.

Mrs. Kim: Some people thought that tree was the jewel of the neighborhood.

Mr. Kim: Yeah, well, there's no accounting for taste. So, Rosé, Lisa, Lisa, Rose... You guys are, uh, gonna be graduating soon, huh?

Rosé: Yeah, thank God.

Mr. Kim: You don't like high school?

Lisa: You kidding?

Mr. Kim: No. High school was the best time of my life.

Rosé: Not for us, no.

Lisa: Yeah, we've had enough of that scene.

Mr. Kim: Ah. So college is probably out of the question, huh?

Lisa: No, it's a possibility.

Mrs. Park: They've actually been accepted at several places already.

Mr. Park: Yes, they have.

Mrs. Kim: Really? Well, that's good.

Rosé: But, um, we're gonna give music a shot first.

Mrs. Park: Oh, they are very talented.

Jisoo: And their band is really boss. They did a bunch of demos and they're really cool.

Rosé: Thanks, Jisoo.

Mrs. Kim: When your father and I first met, he was playing in a band.

Jisoo: You played in a band?

Mrs. Kim: He was a wonderful saxophone player.

Lisa: Cool. You still play?

Mr. Kim: Well, l...

Rosé: Well, if you want, you can come jam out with us sometime.

Mr. Kim: Uh, you...No, I mean... Heh. That's not me anymore.

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