Jennie: Huh?

Y/N: You know, the mailman thing?

Jennie: Oh. Right. So, um, will you start riding the bus again?

Y/N: I don't know. I haven't been up there since...

Jennie: It doesn't look so bad anymore. It's all cleared away. Well, um, I better get ready for school. Guess I'll see you there.

Y/N: See you.

Maybe Jennie was right. Maybe it was time I started riding the bus again. After all, didn't she just tell me she wanted me to? Could it be that Jennie Kim actually misses me?

The front door opened once again and Jennie came out carrying something.

Jennie: Y/N? What are you still doing here?

Y/N: I was just thinking.

Jennie: It's pickup day. The cans are in front.

Y/N: I know. You need some help?

Jennie: No. Maybe I'll do it later.

She was holding a paper bag, and sticking out of it, looks like...

Y/N: Are those my eggs?

Jennie: Yeah. Yeah, I dropped them.

Y/N: They're not broken. Why are you throwing them away? Don't you want them?

Jennie: It wasn't me. My dad didn't think it was worth the risk.

Y/N: Risk? What risk?

Jennie: Salmonella.

Y/N: What? He's afraid of being poisoned?

Jennie: Well, Y/N, I mean, look at your back yard. It's a complete mess. It's, like, covered in turds.

Y/N: That's not true. I clean up after my girls every day.

Jennie: We just didn't wanna hurt your feelings.

Y/N: Have you always thrown them away?

Jennie didn't reply.

Y/N: You know, Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Gong pay me for my eggs.

Jennie: They do?

Y/N: They pay me 60 cents a dozen.

Jennie: I didn't know.

Y/N: How could you?

Jennie: I'm sorry.

Y/N: No, you're not.


It didn't take me long to realize that I'd traded in my old problems with Y/N Park for a whole set of new ones. It was actually worse having Y/N mad at me than having them annoy me. The way Y/N ignored me was a constant reminder that I'd been a jerk.

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