Chapter 1 : Amira

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Somewhere in Yunnan Forest, China, 2027

The peaceful forest of Yunnan was the perfect place for Mothra to lay her egg and reincarnate. Just 3 days ago, I came to this place and I felt a peculiar energy that not many people would feel on a daily basis. Something so feminine and bold. Something that was motherly and could take care of you while battling like the gods above.

"Dr. Elise! Me and Alan found activity in Mothra's chamber last night. We would like you to come check on it" said Dr. Walker in a worried tone.

"I'll be right there" I replied.

As I entered the caves and into the hatching chamber, I saw wall paintings. Mothra's sculpture surrounded by different chants and paragraphs, along with people bowing down to her in a circle. These old sculptures and casts were carved on the walls of every outpost Mothra's laid her eggs. It's as if she remembers all the places the old worshipers painted these on. What if they're some sort of markings for potential Mothra egg sightings?

"TEEEENNNGGG TEEENNNNGG TEEEEENG" said the systems in the cave.

"What happened?" I questioned. Walker replied "It seems as if some sort of disturbance or changes are happening to Mothra's egg. "That's new. Does that mean she'll hatch soon?" I questioned again. "Most likely not but we still aren't sure. Shes not new to this though. She's seen this before, Dr. Elise". The sight of the egg itself radiated a special energy that only made me feel safer.

Alan walked in greeting me "Good morning, Elise! How are you doing today?" He asked. I'm fine. Thanks for asking".

Alan's face soon turned worrisome. I could see that he was concerned about something. I almost asked what happened till he cut me off asking "Would you like to meet me at my office in 5 minutes? It's an important issue I'd like to talk about." I was certain it was about why he was so worried. "Of course!" I answered.

I walked out of the containment center into Alan's office. As I opened the door, he offered me a seat. I sat down with my bag. We both stayed quiet while he poured us a glass of coffee. As he laid down on this chair, he looked at my bag and asked what was in it. "Mothra's documents and sightings. Along with some important things related to her updates and changes. Why do you wanna know though?".

Alan smirked and said "A new egg has been found off the shores of Costa Rica on a giant rock." He could see I was terribly confused by how it was possible.

Mothra lays an egg before doing anything. She reincarnates with those eggs but it's many times just one egg that too in a single spot.

"Why was an egg found in the middle of the Pacific Ocean if Mothra's egg is all the way in Yunnan forest?" I questioned. "No one knows, Dr. Elise. We're thinking it might not even be Mothra. It could be another titan." "What other titan lays eggs?" I questioned again. "No idea" he answered.

He handed me a document named "MONARCH OUTPOST 92, 2027 - UNIDENTIFIED". I took the document and rushed out of the office saying goodbye. When reaching my trailer, I opened up my computer and began researching about a titan that could fly and potentially lay eggs taht wasn't mothra. After about scrolling and typing for 30 minutes, I found a titan based on ancient legends called "Amira the hydrant". A flying fish type creature that could use its wings to fly and also as fins. The creature had 3 horns on its head and a silvery frame. The titan was half the size of the Eiffel Tower as a larva and when fully hatching, would be the size of the full tower.

The next day, I took the receipts, and my research and came back to the facility to show them.


"What was that?" I asked in terror.

"Mothra. She's hatching" said Dr. Walker in awe.

The whole facility looked through the glass window open mouthed and in absolute amazement.

Mothra cracked open the egg and rose out as a larva while leaving out a last screech. A tear rolled down my eye not from sadness but from the sheer beauty and majesty of the scenery.

"Mothra. Queen of the mon-"

"They're not monsters, Kevin. They're our gods and helpers. She's our protector" interrupted Dr. Lee

"Sorry" apologized Kevin.

"How wonderful!" I exclaimed

"No wonder they worshipped her" said Hephler

I looked at Alan who stood right beside me. "I want to talk." I said. He nodded and followed me into his office.

"I found something that is gonna give us a clue closer to finding out what creature is in that egg in the Pacific Ocean." I said

He questioned "What could it be?"

"Amira.... or if you want to officially call it a titan, Titanus Amira." I answered.

Alan looked confused as I showed him images are illustrations of the titan. "How could it be a flying fish?" He asked. "What do you mean" I said in confusion. "The egg resembles Mothra. The shapes and patterns and the way the colors mix in. What if it's something closer to Mothra's family?" He questioned. I stared blank and sat down. We brainstormed for about an hour till it turned dark. I told him a goodbye and left to my trailer.

I looked out the window in the car on the way to my trailer as the sun immersed into the horizons away reflecting orange and purple rays into the sky. "What could this be...?" I thought to myself.

The news articles, websites and old monarch pages weren't enough to finding out what was happening

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The news articles, websites and old monarch pages weren't enough to finding out what was happening. The fact that in the midst of all this hectic work I forgot to enjoy and document Mothra larva's hatching. How could I be so dumb?

"TRING TRING...TRING TRING" my phone started ringing. It was David.

I picked up the phone "Hey David!" I said in a friendly tone. The more he spoke, the more my face started seeing a faded smile. "WHAT?!" I screamed.

7 hours ago..

When Mothra hatched, a group of tribes attacked the facility and slashed and killed many workers. David ran away as the situation got worse and hid behind a table. A group a twins entered the room and looked at the larva and chanted out prayers before saying "Watashitachi no joō, Mosura, watashitachi wa anata o anzen'na basho ni tsurete ikimasu, anata ga watashitachi o sukutta yō ni watashitachi wa anata o sukuimasu!". David looked at them and slowly crawled away from the scene. The moment he saw the twins not there, he got up and ran towards his desk to take back his documents and that's when he saw the giant moth titan...gone.

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