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"Listen, I'm not eating peanut butter again. I love the smoothness of it but damn it, the taste is getting on my nerves now." I complain as I throw a half-eaten apple in the dustbin like a pro basket-shooter.

"Well, we can't get anything. It has been raining for two days now." April reasons, pulling out the horrendous bottle from the fridge. I stare at it with absolute disgust.

"Ugh I miss my own kitchen." I groan. "Never thought this was a part of the itinerary." I narrow my eyes at Liya, who makes a face.

"I am not a weather announcer, I barely passed geography in high school. So, don't blame me for the moody cloud job."

I mean, I know I can't really blame her for being stuck inside for two days. I'm sure she's the one who is the most desperate to not be here and instead somewhere else altogether. Which brings me to the notorious three-way romance potential that has been cooking up. We never got a chance to actually sit down and talk about it properly because the rain caused a lot of havoc, especially in the department of electricity . Yesterday we struggled to survive without any kind of electric comfort, as a result of which we literally stuck to our own bedrooms doing everything that was necessary for survival. While I couldn't charge my laptop and work, I wrote a little and even tried to read a few pages of the novel I had brought with me. Suffice to say, my reader's block is here to stay for longer than necessary.

"Ooh Spence. I found some cheese." April shows me the packet and I make a poker face.

"How old is that?"

"It's not old, I bought it." Liya grabs the packet and starts unwrapping it. "Besides, cheese toast beats peanut butter."

"I have to agree."

"Both of you, get out of my kitchen and clean the living room." April puts her hands on her waist and tries to look intimidating. We just burst out laughing because we know that she doesn't really mean it. April has a completely different vibe when she wants to intimidate people.

"Technically, it's Liya's kitchen." I point out and stuff some cashew nuts in my mouth. April doesn't respond and instead busies herself with preparing breakfast while Liya and I clear out the dishes and clean the dining table. The next fifteen minutes pass by as all of us work together and get things ready on the table. We sit with our plates and mugs of coffee, eating in silence and watching the rain open its floodgates against the window panes. Liya mindlessly clinks her spoon against the fruit bowl and I fight the urge to slap her hand away. I don't know what is going on in her head and I hope she lets it out soon. She didn't even tell us much about the date and has been minding her own business with a lousy smile on her face. April and I decided to not bother her with questions and instead gave her the space she definitely needs right now. But curiosity will sure as hell get the best of me, no matter how many cats it killed.

I take a large sip of my coffee and immediately regret it.

"I kissed Julian." Liya blurts out and a series of things happen at the same time. The coffee that had just entered my mouth splatters out within one second and decorates Liya's face. April yells a very loud WHAT and drops her phone in the process. Liya simply sits still, trying to figure out what just happened, regret probably written all over her existence. I hand her a bunch of tissues while April picks up her phone and drops it on the table. Poor thing is practically married to the floor under an eternal embrace of tragic love that keeps falling and failing.

When the chaos of the table dies down, April and I stare at Liya and collectively wonder why on earth it took her two days to let that teeny tiny information out. No pressure indeed, but since it was her first time with a guy after breaking up with Kyle, I assumed that she wouldn't hesitate to tell us. Nevertheless, it's all good of course. We don't say anything, just wait for her to speak.

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