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Jeremy grabs my elbow and drags me to the kitchen before I can check up on Spencer and Liya. I'm guessing they'll be more than fine since we are hanging out with our favourite boys in the whole damn world. Cue dramatic hair-flip.

"So, you're the cook of the group?" Ryan asks as I take out stuff from drawers.

"Yep. And I can become slightly messed up if things get bothersome." I look at them with raised eyebrows, as if warning them against chaotic meltdowns.

"Please... you haven't seen Jeremy in the kitchen," Ryan argues. "He'll make you wanna pull your hair out. Once, he turned a spoon into a mirror and kept telling himself how handsome he is."

"Please be quiet!" Jeremy snaps and I bite back a laugh. I know all about his romance with cooking and a cutely narcissistic tone of self-love. This will be super interesting, as long as he doesn't mess with my kitchen.

"Look, you boys can argue all you want. Just don't add the wrong spices or mess up the whole thing in any way. Trust me, you don't want to see me get cranky."

"Maybe I do..." Jeremy winks and I roll my eyes.

"Real smooth," I say, which slaps the smirk right off of his face. I grin victoriously.

The thing is, I don't take much time to warm up to new people, even if the new people in question are celebrities. I just need to subtly find out that they don't have major ego issues, and then we'll be good to go. I'm a social butterfly and I get comfortable pretty easily if the people involved are actually nice and welcoming and don't give off negative unfriendly vibes in any way whatsoever. Kinda like a vibe check, if you know what I mean. To be very honest, it just took me ten minutes to realise and reinforce in my mind the fact that EuphoNia is just a bunch of crackheads who are too hilariously adorable for their own good. And since I've lived most of my life as a crackhead, and as a roommate of two other crackheads, it was pretty easy to stop feeling intimidated by the "same species." I feel so comfortable that I can shout at them without having to worry about how they'll feel because that's the energy they radiate and who am I to not reciprocate the same?

"What are we making?" Ryan asks as he leans against the fridge with his arms crossed, making his biceps bulge out. I have no idea why these people have suddenly started working out like gym freaks. Not that I'm complaining...

"Umm... how about each of us pick out one dish and cook separately? That way, we'll be able to come up with a good menu without wasting any time." I suggest. Jeremy stares into a distance as if calculating something and then returns to our space with a huge grin on his face.

"I like the way you think!"

So, the mega chef of the band approves. I must say, it still feels surreal to admit that I'm making lunch with celebrities. I can't believe it's just day one of our vacation. Time seems to be moving rather slowly today, which is weird because usually, it speeds up when something good is happening to me. It triples the speed and vanishes in seconds, leaving me dizzy and nauseous from the ride itself. But today, I think good karma is coming back to me. The curse has been lifted, I can fully enjoy this day without worrying about it getting over, or me waking up from a beautiful and looooong dream. Happy days are here.

We divide the work without much inconvenience and go our separate ways around the kitchen. I show them where everything is, putting special emphasis on how I absolutely hate it when things aren't where they are supposed to be. Ryan calls me Monica Geller under his breath and Jeremy hits him on the head, proving that the chef in question knows where I'm coming from. I never thought I'd say this but Jeremy Knight and I are very very very similar when it comes to socialising and cooking. I mean, just like me, he had the thought of being polite to the neighbours and making good. Eek!

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