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I drive around for more than an hour, the seaside being just a stretch away and the weather being a weird mix of cold and cozy. I'm sure it'll rain today, the clouds are definitely making a statement. It doesn't rain much back home, it's mostly sunny or windy. But when it does rain, it's like a dream. We always climb up to the shared terrace of the apartment building and sit under the shed. Sometimes, we dance in the rain and then fall sick the next day. Nevertheless, rain is an experience not just a sprinkle.

The moment I reach the main town, I decide to park the car somewhere and give my back some rest. Like I mentioned, I'm not that fond of driving and my body definitely gets tired easily when behind the wheel, unless and until there is company that keeps me distracted. Plus, it feels like good weather to just walk around. So why not?

I park the car in front of a bookstore and lean my head against the window. It's fine, I tell myself, and step out of the car with a bright smile on my face. I will clear my head and then go back to my chingus. Yes, that's the plan.

The bookstore in front of me beckons to me as I step inside and am immediately transported to a world of fictional characters. There are stacks and stacks of novels, poetry collections and picture books, audio books, book marks, fandom posters and blank diaries for sale. The place is tiny yet spacious and giant cardboard cutouts of Hogwarts and Wonderland give a magical edge to the space. I smile to myself because bookstores always remind me of my childhood. I remember my favorite store that my brother used to take me to when I'd randomly decide to not spend the day on a tree branch. It was a huge fairyland that had people walking around in princess costumes and what not. As a kid, I would be highly suspicious of them because I had a habit of questioning the "happy ending" crap of the fairy tales, no matter how romanticized the construction was. Even before reading retards like Derrida, I was deconstructing my ass off. I laugh at the memory and pull out my phone to call my brother. He picks up on the third ring.

"Her Holy Highness remembers her brother!" Davis's voice booms through my phone and I giggle to myself.

"Oh come on, you were the busy one." I whine.

"Uh no, the last time I checked, a certain someone was on a vacation."

"I'm still on vacation."

"What place on earth did you go to? The Pacific?"

"Liya's beach house. I forgot the name of the town but it's a pretty place and is very low-key. It's actually perfect for a short-notice getaway."

"Well, I'm glad you're having fun. And before you ask, everything is great here too. Mom misses seeing the three faces though."

"We miss her too. We'll be back soon, I think. In a week or so, I believe."

"Well I know I set off the joke but didn't you guys just start with it? Why end it so soon?"

"It's been two weeks, Davis." I laugh. "We have to come back at some point."

"Nice. You still haven't learnt the art of being in the moment. You always have to worry about the next week." This feels like a slap on the face. He doesn't even know what's happening here and somehow he subtly figured out what I'm worrying about. "The time you are spending right now will not come back, April." He continues. "So make the most of it before it's over for good. Trust me, you will regret not being a little impulsive once in a while."

"What if I regret being impulsive?"

"You'll never find out until you try it, squirt."

I give out a sigh. I simply called him because the bookstore reminded me of him, but I guess fate had other things planned. I was supposed to get this pep talk from my brother so that I would stop being a wuss and just do what I wanna do without thinking too much about the repercussions. I mean, look at Spence and Liya. One is on a date, the other will unintentionally spend some time with a great guy. And here I am, trying to declutter my messy head. Ugh, I seriously need to stop overthinking and live in the moment.

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