Chapter 35: Cannelloni (M)

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"What class does Jisoo have next?

"He's got Mrs. Kapur, I guess.

"It's the other way right?

"Yeah. What are you doi-" Chae was cut off as I sped in the opposite direction yelling out a "Cannelloni!

I heard her amused laugh.

I walked into the deserted hallway that had Mrs. Kapur's class.

I crept into the janitors closet and shut the door infront of me. I then slowly opened it and looked down the hallway to see him walking towards me, totally oblivious to my antics.

I silently shut the door and waited as the steps grew closer and then ultimately opened the door and pulled him in by his collar.

"What the fu-" he opened his mouth but I slapped a palm over it. My hand blindly reached for the lights and I came face to face with his hard chest. Geez. I trailed my eyes upwards and saw the glare he was directing at me. I immediately cringed at the murderous gaze and slowly pulled my palm away.

There was hardly any place in the tiny closet so I was pressed against his hard body.

"What is this bullshit, Jennie. I have class. Move." he snapped at me and lightly nudged me away and went to open the door.

I caught his wrist immediately and his golden gaze slid to
mine. I watched the anger dance in his eyes. Jisoo's eyes were so expressive, it was insane.

"Are you mad?" I asked in a soft whisper.

He let out a heavy sigh and pulled his hand away from me "Let me fucking go, Jen. I have class

Anger then spiked up in my veins. "Why are you mad, Jisoo? This time l didn't flirt back, that's just ho-"

In a flash, Jisoo had my right wrist up in his grasp and he slammed it on the steel cupboard behind me. I winced at the slight pain but tried to keep a defiant face nonetheless. Heat pooled in my panties as I saw the determined look on his gorgeous face.

He slowly leaned in, his lips a whisper away from mine.

My brown gaze slid down as I watched them part with each breath he took.

"Does that change the fact that he flirted with you and you didn't fucking stop him?" acid dripped from his words as he pressed his lower half onto me. Fuck, I could feel him. The feeling of his magic wand after five along motherfucking days was amazing.

"Please. " I whispered as I lifted my free hand to touch him.

He caught that one too in a tight grasp and slammed it above me. Panties : dissolved

"Please what, you little slut?" my eyes snapped open at his words. This was supposed to anger me. It was supposed to make me feel degraded but why was I not feeling those things? Why was I all the more turned on?

"Please. Fuck me, Jisoo. Please." I was begging at this point.

Something I've never done to any guy but Jisoo was being all the exceptions.

"Why should i? You don't want Jackson now?" he let out a low chuckle which actually made me let out a moan. Just the way he laughed was low, deep, delicious, warm. Jisoo saw me, his eyes widening for a second as he heard the moan escape me. See how responsive my body is to you and fucking do something.

He then pushed his groin into me and I groaned at the
sensation. He was rock hard already. The thought of me
getting Jisoo so hard was enough to make me cream my
panties all the more.

"You think I don't notice how his eyes dropped to your fucking cleavage?" he snapped in my ear and I rapidly grinded my hips into his, enjoying the sensation.

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