Chapter 25

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"What did you just say???." Sana asked once again.

"You hear it right. Tzuyu flew back to LA. She's gone Sana." Momo said..

They are currently at Jeongyeon's place and they're talking about Sana and Tzuyu's situation when suddenly Momo told them that Tzuyu is not in korea anymore.

"You're too late already.." Mina said and they all looks at her especially Sana..

"Mina ~ ya, you know that Tzuyu will going to LA?."

"What if I said yes?.."

"Mina ~ ya.." Nayeon stop Mina..

"I'm just saying the truth Nayeon Unnie. She always messed things up."

"Well, Mina has a point." Jeongyeon agreed with Mina. "Sana ~ ya, if you still love Tzuyu you will fight for it. you should take the risk but what you are doing right now is, your making things more complicated."

"Sana ~ ya, do you love Kenshi???." Jihyo suddenly asked.

"He is special to me."

"I'm not asking if that guy is special to you, what I'm asking is if you love him."

"N-No. I only love him as a friend."

"How about Tzuyu? Do you love Tzuyu?." Momo asked.

"I do Momo ~ ya, I love her but I don't know what's going on with me. I-I don't have the courage to confess with her, I don't have the courage to tell her the truth."

"You have so many chance Sana ~ Chan but you alwa waste that chance. Tzuyu is human too, she can love you but don't forget that she can be able to get tired too."

"What's your plan now Sana?." Nayeon asked.

"I will go to US."

"Are you sure?."

"I want to see her, I want to talk to her. I want her back Nayeon Unnie." Sana said in a sad voice. "I want to say sorry to her, if it's not because of me all of this will not going to happen, I betrayed her but still she loves me, I'm just so stupid for pushing her away."

"What if she will not going to accept you? What if Tzuyu is tired already?."

"I will not going to give up. I already made up my mind. I will follow her to US and win her heart again."

"How about your compay?." Jihyo asked.

"I will let Kenshi  handle the company while I'm gone."

"If that's your plan then we will respect it. We are rooting for you Sana and we hope that when you come back here, you're with Tzuyu." Jeongyeon said.

"Komawo Jeongyeon Unnie."


Meanwhile, at LA Mrs.Minatozaki tried to talk to Tzuyu it's been a week since Tzuyu came home but the latter just locked herself on her room. She doesn't come outside and meet her friends, Mrs.Minatozaki is getting worried for Tzuyu.

She baked Tzuyu's favorite cookies before she went upstairs. She knocked and luckily Tzuyu open the door.

"Hi, Mom.."

"Hi, Can I come in?."

Tzuyu just smile a little before she let her mom go inside.

"You still not unpacking your things?."

"Mmmm, I'm lazy to unpack it.."

"Sit down, I baked your favorite cookies. I will unpack your things."

Tzuyu seated and just watch Mrs.Minatozaki..

"You still hasn't visit your Dad. Are you not going to visit him?."

"I will try tomorrow Mom.."

"You suddenly came back here, you didn't inform me. What happened? Did you fought with your sister?."

"No, Mom.."

"Then what's the reason why you suddenly came back here? I thought you wanna stay to Korea?."

"I don't want to go back in Korea."

"Why? Tzuyu, I'm getting worried for you. What's the matter, you can tell me. I will try to understand you."

"My heart is broken Mom."

"You're in love?."

"I'm in love with the wrong person."

"How did you know that you're in love with the wrong person? Did she not treat you properly???."

"It's so complicated Mom. I just don't want to talk about her right now."

"Tzuyu, this is the first time I saw you being like this because of a girl. You must really love that girl because if you not love her you will not going to act like that. I don't know her, I don't know about her but always remember this if you learn love someone you will also learn to accept the pain."

"She put too much pain on my heart already Mom.."

"If you can't take bear it anymore then maybe it's time for you to give up because if you will continue to love her there's a possibility that you might gonna hurt each other's feelings so while it's still early you better to move on now. There's still a lots of girls out there Tzu, you can still find someone who are willing to take the risk to be with you."


Mrs.Minatozaki stood up and hugs Sana. "If your sister see you like this she will get mad. Sana doesn't want you to get hurt, she doesn't want to see you cry so get yourself together and move on. Okay?."

"Okay..." Tzuyu just force a smile before she hugs back Mrs.Minatozaki..


Tzuyu tried to do what Mrs.Minatozaki told her. She starts to fix herself she visits Mr.Minatozaki's tombstone and pay respects to her later father.

She also starts to hangout with her friends in LA. Even  though Chaeyoung and Dahyun was not there her other friends they did not make her feel that she was alone.

Tzuyu's life before in LA suddenly back as the influence of some of friends has a big impact on her, she likes hanging out with her friends in LA because if she's with them she doesn’t always remember Sana and the people she met in South Korea.

"Thank you for forgiving me." Dani whisper to Tzuyu's ears before she hugs the latter.

Let's just forget about that...." Tzuyu shortly said as she drink her beer.

"Yo, are you back together?." Matthew asked.

"No." Tzuyu quickly said.

"Who knows, we will be back together?."

Tzuyu smile. "Don't expect too much Dani, you will just going to get hurt."

"Really? It's alright, I'm still willing to take the risk for you."

Tzuyu suddenly looks at Dani because of what she just said.

"You will be mine again." Dani winked at her before she stood up and walks to their other friends.


10:45 in the evening when Tzuyu arrived at their house. The moment she arrived she suddenly confused because all the lights inside the house are on.

She came inside and she was surprised on what she saw.

"You're here." Mrs.Minatozaki smile.

Tzuyu looks at the girl beside Mrs.Minatozaki.

"Your sister is here." Mr.Minatozaki happily said.

"Hi Tzu.." Sana sweetly and genuinely smile at her.


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