The Reunion of Old Acquaintances

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 The Alchemist's journey

And the fate of the sages

Chapter 1

The reunion of old acquaintances

" toadstool check, purified water check..." hatham says as he takes a thorough tally of the necessary ingredients needed for his adventure. "Hmmm what is missing... Ah! Yes I nearly forgot my staff" he had acquired it from his training with other water monks like himself. The staff was meant to store his potions and alchemical ingredients while he traveled with other adventurers. He had seen his time in battle,wars, and stories of destiny and strife, but he never had his own. He was just finishing putting on his slick vest and messenger bag when a series of fierce rappings at his door struck his ears with all the force of a drum. *bang bang*" hatham! Come on we are waiting" his friend klinta the fire sage " i'll be right there!" he yelled as he scurried along his house steps. See he was a water monk or sage depending on who you were. There are many different types of elemental sages and they had their own societies and cultures. There were the water sages, intelligent,quick witted and had an affinity for alchemy and sorcery. The mighty earth sages with a heavy set build meant for war. Air who were masters of using their youthful charisma. Fire who were short tempered but loyal til death if one could befriend them. Then there were the egoras who were crosses between the sages. There were Ice,mud, and metal. The societies of the sages were different and separated by element. The water rafts were giant wooden "islands" which were actually all rafts, mainly a giant marketplace. with no true ruler the water rafts were peaceful and non confrontational. The Earth mines were giant sprawls of tunnels built under mountains and plains. With riches and gold they were the most influential of all of the societies. The fire mountains were giant floating mountains filled with people with temples and castles not unlike rome. The air people have cities built from air above the clouds not much is known of them since they are very loyal to the cloud gods and rarely travel down. Hatham the Alchemist was a supporting sage in many human expeditions for their destiny. Sadly he could not find his own. Klinta was a nomad aimlessly wandering the dunes of enbyouru searching for ruins of knowledge from lost kinds. Shoto was an Earth monk who wanted only to find riches in his mountain steeped in family tradition for generations " ma great grandpappy found the mountain an' started to mine and settle" Shoto said once with his signature scottish accent. Their other friend Cial was an Air pirate exiled from her city she would gather other deviants and pillage the cities looking for plunder.

Today was a special day for Hatham for today all of his friends would gather together and have their own adventure. Even though the monks and sages were immortal they were cursed to never know or have their own destiny. So Hatham and his friends said to hell with the rules and do it anyway, there was a way but you had to complete multiple grueling challenges and then your fate will be revealed. " come on!!! Hatham do not make me break down this tiny little door" shoto exclaimed threateningly. " well my big burly friend you wont have to" Cial said pointing to Hatham who had already gotten behind shoto. "Friends, we must go to my tavern. with my Alchemy I can make some excellent elixirs" Hatham said with restrained enthusiasm as cial put him in a headlock as a way to say hello after all these years. "Well I am the best at making brews" cial said as she cautiously pulled out a brandy from 445 years ago. " stop your bickering already and lets go drink! All this talk of alcohol has me parched!" Klinta demanded. " okay then, I am just so happy to see you all my friends I love you to much to have been away this long" hatham said choking up. " get over here all of you" Cial said as she embraced those who had gone through as much pain as she had, they were all she had and needed them. They needed her too.

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