



"Do you really want me to answer that?"



So, one might be wondering why all this is happening. Barring the sass from Deku, all this is not normal under any circumstances. Deku is currently in custody of the Japanese police for multiple crimes. It would take too long to list them all so long story short, Deku used a little too much force during the invasion.

Or in other words.

He overpowered them so greatly that it quite literally broke the system.

Now he's in jail.

Ochako came along for support of course, but Deku is the one in handcuffs. There are certain rules in Japan that a hero must not break. One of them, is killing anyone whether that be hero, civilian, or villain. It's a whole "moral uprightness" kind of thing where the heroes aren't allowed to kill, so the civilians themselves aren't influenced to kill for "the right cause".

Deku- well he did just a little more than kill. He destroyed.

Now he's being charged as a villain for his extremely violent acts.

When asked his reasoning, he said he had been tired of the constant villain interference. The UA break in, the USJ, The hero killer. He got tired of the villains thinking they could mess with his class continuously and he "took care of it" as he so graciously put it.

Obviously, the police didn't like this answer.

That led to Deku insulting the officers and the Chief having to come in. Obviously he didn't do much better with Deku.

With all his training, he's mastered the art of ignorance.

UA is trying to do everything they can to placate the police, because they know firsthand how difficult Deku can be when he wants to be. And if he gets annoyed enough, making Deku an enemy of the so called "upholders of justice" will not end well for anyone involved.

If push comes to shove, they'd have to send every hero after Deku if that happened. But they aren't even sure if even that would be enough.

Deku is sitting in an interrogation room meditating while Ochako practices her breathing. The chief comes back looking relaxed.

Too relaxed.

Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do right?

"Yo," The chief called out to Deku in a chill voice. "We're putting you on trial, and you'll be tried for your crimes."

Deku opened his eyes slowly and looked dead at the officer.

"Officer, what crimes have I committed?" He spoke in a calm tone with a deathly undertone.

"Well let's see," The officer, at Saturn by now, too relaxed to take in the threat behind Deku's voice. "Excessive force, Illegal use of quirk, battery, 1st degree murder, arson, excessive use of quirk- shall I go on?"

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