[Night sky]

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Sitting on your roof you look up at the stars that spread across the sky. Thoughts floating around your head. How if when will we get Luz and the rest back? What if we have to recapture Collector? Is it possible for me to adopt him? Why dose he hate Eda so much even when we just pass by? I'm I doing things right?


(POV: Collector's)

Why are there footsteps on the roof? I should go tell (Y/n) they'll know what to do! "Mom!" Wait where is she? Are we playing  hide in seek? Well if she not here to check then I will! Why is the window open. "Mom?"

(POV: No one's)

"Why are you awake?" You say lean towards him so you can catch him if he slips. "I heard footsteps on the roof and came to make sure everything was safe," Collector say proudly walking over to you. Once reaching you he plops down in your lap and snuggles up. "What are you doing out here so late?" He ask looking up at you. Putting your arms around him to keep him warm you look down to still see sleep in his eyes. 

"Oh just trying to clear my head and look at the night sky," looking back up to the sky. "Is it cause of me?" He ask quietly. "No! No no no. I'm just try to figure out things with trying to get Luz and the gang back safe and also make sure you are happy," you say poking his cheek at the end.

"Mhm! Well don't be sad cause I'm here and we can play games, cook, or read together!" He exclaims excitedly. "Yeah I guess we can," you say while laying on you back with Collector still curled up on your stomach.

"Can we go into town tomorrow?" He ask snuggling closer for warmth. "Why?" "I saw some shops that looked cool and I want to go to them with you," he says. "Yeah I guess we can I still have some snails," "I can pay I've been collecting snails for a long time!" He yells quietly. "If you want to we can go," you answer rubbing circles on his back "yeah,"

After starring at the star for a little longer you start to hear soft snores coming from the child. "Time to go inside?" Only to be met with more snores. "Alright then," you says getting up and carrying Collector back to his room. Tucking him in you kiss his forehead. "Good night darling," you say leaving to go to your room slightly happier.

Toh Collector x motherly readerWhere stories live. Discover now