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"You ready?" You ask checking you bag if you have everything

"Yep! Can we go now I'm getting bored?" Collector whines getting antsy while waiting for you to leave. "Yeah yeah I'm coming. Your lucky I agreed to this or else you'd be helping doing chorus," "Ew no!" He says running to the door laughing. "Alright but just know you still have to do them tomorrow," you say raising a brow as you unlock the door.

While walking Collector was holding your hand as he walked along every log and rock he saw while you to headed to a small cave. It was safe but you knew it had some interesting things Collector might like to get. "Almost there," you say as you walk up the hill.

Walking in there's not the much to see. "Aww I thought this was going to be cool not just a bunch of boring old rocks! I see those all the time!" "Shh if you want to see cool stuff you need to be quiet," you whisper leading the way deeper in.

The torch was casting shadows along the wall, but this didn't really affect you since you always went here as a kid. Though it did freak out a certain someone, but he wouldn't show you that since he was the one to protect you after all. That was till something small and fast move. "*GASP* what was that!" Collector whisper yells slightly panicked. A small head pokes out from behind a rock. And sitting there was a small newt with orange and blue marking along its back.

"What is it?" "That's must be a newt there harmless," reassuring the child you stick you hand out for it to crawl on and show Collector. "Would you like to hold it?" "Yes please," he whispers amazed by the creature in your hand. The newt tills it's head and so does Collector. "Can we keep it?" "Oh no it might have a family it needs to get back to," Placing the newt down it runs off to a bigger group of them. And you go farther in.

Once you make it to an alcove that hand a small lake in the middle. The water was a crystal clear sea green with pinch and purple petals floating on the top. A small waterfall off to the side. Vines with flowers growing from the top of the cave come down almost touching the ground. Glowing moss covers the ground with a few patches of grass all a fresh green.

"Wow," looking over you see stars in his eyes while he looks around amazed by this. Moving over to a patch of grass you sit down waving for him to follow. "So do you like it?" "Of course how did I not know about this!" He whispers yells. "Used to come here for fun with Eda. We would collect rocks and moss to bring home,".

"Can I go explore?" "Sure as long as you stay were I can see, and don't mess with to many things remember other creatures live here," you warn. "Okay!" And with that he runs off to go a collect items to bring back to your home. Laying down you close you eyes to rest listening to all of the sounds making you doze off a bit.

Waking up to someone shaking you and some sniffling. Looking over you see tears running down Collector's face along with a bit of blood. "Oh what happened!" You say reaching for your bag pulling out a first aid kit. "I-I fell *sniff* while running," he say grabbing on to you. "Oh dear let's clean you up," "*sniff* okay,".

Once finished cleaning his face up and bandaging his knees and arms you ask him what happened. "I saw a mouse skull and got excited," he says picking at the grass. "Are you mad?" He ask now turning to look at you. "Nope just be more careful next time okay? Now go play a little more before we head back," "Okay!" And with that he runs off to got find more items.

(Time skip)

"Did you have fun?" You ask while carrying the child on your shoulders. Your bag slightly heavy with the rocks, crystals, mouse skull, moss, and a vile of the clear water. "Mhm and I got you something!" He says while reaching into his pocket. "Oh what is it?" "This!" He exclaims holding out you birthstone. "Oh my it's beautiful!" "Mhm! I thought you like it mom!" He says now laying his head on yours as you head back home.

Toh Collector x motherly readerWhere stories live. Discover now