"Darling," Hobi whispers in her ear with a laugh. "The elevator's that way," he says while trying to control his laughter by pointing to the other side.

Tea just hums in acknowledgement, pretending like she was looking at something on the wall before changing course and walking in the direction Hobi indicated, making her boyfriend laugh softly in her ear.

"Don't laugh at me," she whines, looking at him with a playful pout.

"I'm not sunshine. You're cute," he says, bopping her nose with his other hand.

"Flattery will get you nowhere," she tells him before listening in on Jin and Jungkook's conversation and jumping into their heated talk about whether pastel colors are better or muted colors are better.

"Welcome home," Jin says as he opens the door to their dorm where the rest of the boys were waiting to greet them too. Jungkook and Jin go in first as Hobi holds Tea's hand as he stays frozen in place.

"Hobi, you ok?" Tea whispers to him as she notices his tense posture. Her voice immediately snaps him out of his trance, making him give her a small smile, squeezing her hand as he leads her inside.

Everyone greets the new couple as they stand around the entryway talking for sometime. Tea's already met everyone except for Yoongi, so she finds it a lot easier to join in on their conversations without being rude or awkward. Meanwhile Yoongi only greeted her with a "hello," before silently watching her.

She knows it's in his nature to be silent and that is often why people mistake him as angry or scary, so she tries her best not to get anxious from his impassive gaze, but she does start to question herself and whether he approves of her as nothing in his posture reveals his feelings towards her. Noticing her tenseness, Hobi squeezes her hand once again, although he himself is in a different world as well.

It's been ages since he's been in the dorms, and it's been even longer since they've all been here together. The last time they were like this was when they had to film a few things from inside the dorms, pretending like they still lived together.

He's pretty sure ARMY's figured out that they no longer live in the dorms together given that certain things they've said don't really add up to it. Especially when they say they are going to meet another member in Vlives or posts. But they still do it anyways; not that he's ever minded getting to spend the extra time together as family again. The members love getting together like that.

Hobi heads into the kitchen with the hyung line as the maknaes drag Tea to play video games with them on the couch. He smiles, watching them all cuddle into the couches with Tea in the center. Seeing them accept her means so much to him and he's glad she enjoys being with them too.

"Who's she?" Yoongi asks the minute the maknaes are out of sight.

"Yoongs, be nice," Jin sighs exasperatedly.

"She's my girlfriend, hyung. And she's a really good person, don't worry," Hobi exclaims calmly, knowing that the only reason why Yoongi is salty right now is because he worries.

Yoongi's girlfriend was not the greatest and it took him a very long time to realize it. The only reason why the members never spoke up about it was because she always played nice and sucked up to them after making bold mistakes. She was also Namjoon's girlfriend's best friend, which helped her stay on good terms with them.

Now that they broke up though, Yoongi always pays attention to the members' significant others; trying to make sure that they don't make the same mistake he did.

Yoongi hums at Hobi's response, acknowledging him, but storing it away in his mind as a topic for later. He'll be watching the girl tonight anyways; maybe she is good enough for his ball of sunshine.

Tea and Coffee(A Jung Hoseok FF){ON HIATUS}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt