[6] Sadiplier

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Is it just me or does Mark look like a sad puppy? A sad soaked puppy whose lost and scared! Isn't he cute!? Why can't Mark be mine? ;3; xD I'm kidding cx .... Or am I? uwu anywho! I didn't get to update because I'm pretty busy with school and tests ._. Enjoy this one shot! :D - ChinitaPlease

WARNING: This one shot is sad :( because I titled this one shot Sadiplier so why not try it?

Mark was upset, though he doesn't know why. He felt... Empty! Ever since you were gone, everything was lonely.

"I miss you so much, [Y/N]." Mark whispers, holding a picture frame of both you and him in one picture.

The two of you look so happy! But now everything was gloomy and dark. He felt empty and he felt like a piece of him was gone.

To be honest? It was gone! You're his other half! And now you're gone! He won't be able to hear your voice and joyous laughter.

He wouldn't be able to wrap his arms around your waist and place tiny little kisses on your cheeks and on your neck.

Mark wouldn't be able to say and tell you how much he loves you. Mark loves you A LOT! And he wants you to know before you're gone.

But it was too late. It was like... Everything he loves would disappear and no longer be in his life. He didn't know how it all happened.

Your things weren't touched, your clothes was still there and your phone is fully charged.

Quite often, Mark would call your phone... Just to listen to your voice. He would pay for your phone bills, just to listen to your voice again.

He would replay all of the videos the two of you record and keep for yourselves to laugh at later.

"I love you, [Y/N]." Mark grins at you, you blushed and looked at Mark with a shy smile on your face. The smile that Mark adores more than anything.

"I love you too, Mark." You whisper, Mark leans in and gave you a light kiss on your lips.

Mark felt tears roll down his cheeks as he re watched the videos the two of you made a few weeks ago. The was going to propose to you that few weeks after, but you ended up... Disappearing.

Disappearing off of the face of the earth. You're dead. You died at a really young age, and Mark couldn't stand losing you!

Mark felt like he was going to go into the state of depression, but his fans was there for him! They comforted him, encouraged him, and try to cheer him up.

And it worked! Even when he lost the most precious person to him, his fans was there to comfort him and cheer him up.

WAH! My first sad one short for Markiplier! D: I like it! I nearly burst into tears while typing this! Gosh the feels is strong in this one. I'll try to make more one shots as soon as possible :)) - ChinitaPlease

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