[3] Get well soon

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Mark... I know you told your fans not to worry, but I'm seriously worried about you, Mark Edward Fischbach. You said it's not serious and yet you said that you're in a huge pain. Mark, please rest! We understand! Your health is more important than the videos. - ChinitaPlease

"[Y/N], don't worry about me! I'm fine! Don't worry about it." Mark said, laying in the hospital bed.

You frowned and shook your head, you sat on Mark's hospital bed and laid your head on his chest.

"Mark, you're in the hospital! It's obvious that you're in pain! What's not to worry about!?!" You exclaimed, Mark gave you a weak smile and brushed your hair away from your face.

"[Y/N], I'm serious. It's nothing serious, I'm just in a lot of pain, that's all!" Mark said as if it was nothing. But you knew Mark was lying.

"Mark, I know you're trying to be strong, but we all know that you're in huge pain. Your fans are worried about you." Sighing, brushing stray hair away from his face.

"I am, but they have nothing to worry about." Mark said, you sighed. Mark was so stubborn!

"I just hope that I can at least upload the videos tomorrow." Mark continued, you groaned and face palmed, Mark looked at you confused.

"Mark! Please take are of yourself first! You're in the hospital for Pete's sake!" You said, slightly frustrated with Mark whose acting like its happened to him before.

"[Y/N], I'm actually serious! Don't worry about me! Please." Mark pleaded, you sighed in defeat and nodded your head.

You began combing your fingers through his black hair and planted a kiss on his cheeks.

Mark smiled at you and wrapped his arms around you and pecked your lips.

"I have to stay strong, even if I'm in pain." Mark murmured, you gave him a weak smile and hugged him gently, not going to let go anytime soon.

Short one shot, but seriously though. Mark doesn't need to worry about the videos, he needs to take care of himself. I hope he's out of the hospital tomorrow. More one shots coming soon ^^ - ChinitaPlease

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