Chapter One: Willow

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"Mom! Muffin is acting weird." Willow yelled for her mom, because her cat was actually deathly ill, except they didn't know that. "Mom!"
"Willow what's wrong?"
"Muffin." She pointed at the fluffy, gray cat, who was now screeching with every dying breath he tried to take.
"Mom, is he going to be ok?" The tears streaming down her mother's face told her everything. He was only a kitten. Although he did have one problem, when he meowed, well he couldn't. He squeaked, sorta.

"Mom, can we help him?" She could hardly breathe. She was sobbing, for one of her only cats was suffering in her arms.
Her mother shook her head. "We can take him to the vet, to see if they can do anything."

They sat waiting to see if their kitten was going to walk out with them, or stay here forever. A man walked out and walked over to them.
"Are you the owner of... Muffin, is it?"
"Well, we have to put him down. There's nothing we can do. If you want, we can let him live about three more weeks, but he'll be in pain."
Willow stared past him into the room. She wanted to be with him, but she didn't want him to be in pain.
Oh! Why do things have to be like this? They were not as bad when dad was here.
She looked at the veterinarian.
"Can we keep him for a while?"
"Yes, of course."
The veterinarian walked back inside and got a needle with a strange liquid inside and injected it into Muffins neck. He squealed slightly, but it was scratchy because he couldn't meow very well. They put him in the carrier and drove home.

Willow ran to her bedroom with Muffin, and sat with him. She put her forehead on his and let it all out. She kissed his forehead and stroked his back.
She looked into his green eyes and smiled.
"I love you, I wish there was something I could do. Or I w-" An idea popped into her head. She ran over to her laptop.
"Maybe Google has something useful!"
She logged on her computer, and as always, ads came up.
"Do you need car insurance? Go to the gener-"
"How to lose weig-"
"Find your match at-"
"Life aler-"
She screamed at her computer, which caused Muffin to jump out of her lap. She picked him back up and kissed his forehead and continued her search for a cure.

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