Sam Winchester Headcanons

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Welcome! I will be doing headcanons for a whole bunch of Supernatural characters (or at least the main characters, it all really depends on how much free time I have), all in different parts, this is my first part and it's for Sam headcanons!

Sexuality and pronoun headcanons:

-Mostly goes by both he/him and they/them pronouns but is okay with going by any pronouns (identifies as nonbinary)

His Music Taste:

-Listens to Green Day, Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy very often cause they're his favorite music artists
-Loves My Chemical Romance but only knows like 2 of their songs
-Mostly likes punk rock but listens to other genres too

Spotify playlist I made of exactly what I think Sam's music taste would be like:

Stanford Headcanons:

-Jess always braided Sam's hair to calm him down when stressed or upset :3
-At one point he lost a bet and had to have his hair dyed pink for 5 months straight
-Even after Sam gave up hunting he still kept holy water and a silver knife with him when leaving his dorm at all times just in case
-A month after Sam started going to Stanford, some people found out he has a fear of clowns and pulled a prank on him (they had someone go in his dorm dressed as a clown, Sam got startled and threw holy water at them)

Idk just random headcanons:

-Sam's coulrophobia (irrational fear of clowns) is genetic on Mary's side of the family
-Sam was probably one of those lactose intolerant kids who ate and drank dairy all the time despite knowing that he's lactose intolerant

I'm adding more headcanons to this part later so make sure to look back at it in a few days!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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