Hardships - Chapter 6

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"Oh, well what about i carry you then? You can rest on my back."

"*cough* th-thanks... A..Aether.."

"No problem, i hope you get better soon."

"Lumine tried to get up but once she did she'd always fall back or fail and keep tripping, Lumine started to walk, a little slower, Aether was walking towards her, she almost fell but Aether caught her.

"*cough* ... A-Aether... i don' f-feel too g...good." Lumine said.

"Lumine..." Aether said, tightening his hold unto her and carrying her. 

"Can you stand up?.."

"I'll try... *cough* "


Lumine stood up, she tried though, but failed, making Aether catch her again.

"I'll just carry you in my arms, better than you having to stand up and get on my back."

"T-thanks... Aether..." Lumine spoke softly.

'What happened to her...'  Aether thought carrying her, he looked down at her sleeping face.

"*cough* " Lumine coughed covering her mouth so she wouldn't pass the disease onto her twin brother.

"Lumine... what happened to you.." Aether said quietly. 

"A-Aether..." Lumine reached out for her brother.

"Shush shush.." Aether responded putting his finger on her lips so she won't waste any of her energy on calling his name and talking too much.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"Getting s...sick.."

"It's alright, teleport."

"*cough* "

Aether walked over to their camp and laid Lumine down.

Aether then walked away. 

"W-where are you g-going...?" Lumine asked with a weak tone.

"Somewhere, far." 

Lumine sat up and cried out for her brother, shouting for him not to go. As the wall covered her preventing her to see her brother.

Aether reached his arm for Lumine, he wasnt' actually reaching out for her, Lumine, tried to get up and stop him, failed and did not prevail. Aether started building something around her, to protect her? Or to lock her in and prevent her from escaping, because he doesn't want her to come? Who knows, all we know Lumine got blocked in. Is it for the safety of others? 

Aether on the other hand didn't want to do this. But he needed to in order to protect Lumine.

But also to protect others.

Aether noticed Lumine's conditions. It's terrible. Aether cried. 

He ran to a nearby forest, his shadow, lost in the woods.

Aether came to a stop and punched a tree while crying his eyes out.

His fists started to bleed, he takes his anger on a harmless tree which did nothing wrong. He starts using his arms,

"I'm such a careless brother!!" 

"I'm sorry Lumine...."

With Lumine. (Same time)

Lumine cries at the wall, her arms bled. She hits the wall with both arms. Her tears deipping from hers eyes and falling to the ground. 

"I'm so reckless!!"

Reunion | Aether and LumineNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ