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Jeongin didn't ask Chan to sleep over at his house like he usually would when he came home.

Chan didn't ask either but he wasn't planning on leaving regardless.

They had mainly just been catching up, although, Chan was speaking a lot more than Jeongin who was being strangely quiet. Not to mention that he had millions of questions he wanted to ask the younger at the moment.

"You changed a lot," Chan pointed out, hoping that he would provide some sort of explanation as to what happened because he was lost.

"Good or bad?" Jeongin asked turning over to face Chan since they both eventually ended up laying down on his bed.

"Umm...just extremely different."

"Just because I didn't greet you with my usual 'welcome back Chan Hyung! I missed you so much.'" Jeongin mocked his past self.

"Also the clothes, hair, room, friends, personality..."

"My style was way too childish to go into college with, I've always wanted to dye my hair, I'm too old to have a bunch of plushies all over the place, and I was also tired of getting babied all the time by our friends so I started acting differently and made some new ones...and a Jisung."

"Hmm fair enough, but beds are still more comfortable with a bunch of plushies. I don't care how old I am." Chan explained earning a small laugh from Jeongin.

"That's fine, it's a personal preference. Besides, everyone thinks you're hot anyway. You don't have to show your cute side to anyone unless you want to."

"You think I'm hot?" Chan questioned, somehow only being able to focus on Jeongin's opinion on the topic which caused him to laugh again.

"No. Maybe I did before I started talking to you but the moment we started talking to each other- you're cute. You also get shy really easily."

"No I don't," Chan denied.

In his eyes, he had always been the one who made Jeongin blush without even trying but the more he really thought about it...maybe they previously both made each other blush without meaning to.

"Hmm..." Jeongin moved a bit closer and placed his hand on the side of Chan's face, "I know I usually give you a welcome back hug but what about a kiss instead?"

"Jeongin!" Chan yelled and moved his hands to hide his face.

"I can't kiss you if you're covering your face, Hyung," Jeongin pointed out as he moved Chan's hands away, making the older looked at him. His face was now blood-red as Jeongin inched closer.

Chan wasn't planning on doing anything to stop him. A small part of him maybe always liked Jeongin in a way a bit stronger than friendship but he had been way too nervous around him to ever act upon any sort of feelings.

He was still the same Jeongin, just a bit bolder, and Chan definitely didn't hate it. If his extremely attractive friend wanted to kiss him then he wasn't going to stop him.

Jeongin ended up moving so close that Chan could feel his breaths against his lips as he let his eyes flutter closed.

But then he felt it disappear as he opened his eyes, now somehow blushing even more if that was possible out of pure embarrassment.



"You were actually gonna let me kiss you," Jeongin explained.

"Well um- I mean- yeah but-"

"Are you still gonna deny the fact that you get shy really easily?" Jeongin questioned, deciding that he would rather drop the subject.

"No," Chan replied, turning over to look at the ceiling rather than his friend.

"Can you help me start moving into our dorm tomorrow? I went there and asked if they could put us in the same one right after you left and they agreed."

"Really?!" Chan questioned, perhaps sounding a bit too excited about the fact that he was going to get to see the younger every day as he immediately turned to face him again.

"I'm surprised they agreed to let me room with the cutest person on campus too," Jeongin said, laughing when he saw Chan's cheeks flush pink again.

This all seemed different to Chan but really, these had been thoughts that ran through Jeongin's mind for quite a while now. He always had the small urge to lean in and kiss the older when they lay in bed next to each other, he wanted to make flirty comments but he never had the nerve to ever actually say something before. Now he did and he was loving the reactions he was receiving from doing so.

Would Jeongin say that he liked Chan?...No. He wasn't really sure what these urges were but he wouldn't exactly say that he has a crush on the older or anything. He just found him really cute and recently discovered that he also likes teasing him as well.

Chan ignored Jeongin's comment, as he was too nervous to even begin to think of a response and was honestly still quite exhausted from his long trip.

"Hey, Innie?"

"Yeah, baby?" He replied and Chan felt his stomach flip but tried to ignore it as he continued.

"I know you didn't offer a 'welcome back hug' but I'm still taking one," he explained as he moved closer and wrapped his arms around the younger.

Jeongin chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Chan in response, pulling him the slightest bit closer as Chan hoped he couldn't feel or hear how fast his heart was currently beating.

They used to do this all the time which was probably why Jeongin managed to stay so calm but Chan was so hyper-focused on every small thing that seemed completely and utterly different about it.

Despite Chan previously being more tired, Jeongin ended up falling asleep first.

Chan moved away a bit so he could get a proper look at the younger who was peacefully sleeping.

He was the same person that Chan had left a couple of months ago, he was sure of that but he was still in shock.

He moved his hand up to Jeongin's blue hair, moving a piece out of his eyes, took a second to admire his long eyelashes which laid gently on his cheekbone, his cute nose, then finally looked down at his lips.

He then moved his hand to the side of his face and gently pressed his thumb against his bottom lip with a small frown on his face.

I wish you did kiss me.


i'm not sure if it's just this story or if it's all of my writing in general but smth about this one feels really unorganized ㅜㅜ

but also- it hasn't even been 24 hours yet and this already has 100 reads??? asjskajlskska thank you <3

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