Start from the beginning

"I will gladly hear your explanation" I said to him.

"Thank you. You know when the kids were summoned, there were a huge amount of energy inside them and day after this energy keep growing. Since they are too young their body can't keep this energy".

"That's very difficult situation. But that's why I am here after all can you take me to the kids Yukki" ?

"Yes Rimuru-san please follow me".

"Oh first I have something to give you" I said.

I throw to him a lot of manga to read. Why I didn't kill him ? I want him to know there is a being far superior from him. I want him to feel useless whenever he try something against me. I want him to give up. When I saw Shizue reaction when she discovered that Yukki actually is a bad person really hut me that's why I will just let him leave now. But if he really pissed me off I will just crush him with his clowns troop.

"Ohh Thank you very much Rimuru-san I will make sure to read them all"

We started to walk in the school hallway and we stopped in front of the children class. Yukki then started to talk to me.

"Rimuru-san be very cautious aha".

"Oh why ?"

" You know these kids are very difficult since Shizue-seinsei is not there, they trust nobody and they also know about there problems that's why"

"Thank you for the advice"

Well I already know what is waiting for me inside. Kenya will try to slash me with his sword and so all and so for. Ranga is still in my shadow. Oh l know let's scare them a bit. I know what I'm going to do to all of you.

C: <Master what are you planning ?>

"Hey Ciel I wanted to ask you something"

C: <Master i am at your command>.

"Ciel can you please make my aura take a Giant Dragon form just to scare them ?"

C: <it's a bit extreme for the kids but I can do it>

"Thank you Ciel".

I then open the door and entered the class where the kids were. But something different happen this time. When Kenya wanted to slash me, he suddenly stop. He was trembling in fear, sweating. Not just him but the others too. Well I just wanted to scare them, but now it's just like they are totally paralyzed in fear.

C: <Master went to far>

"I am sorry, I don' wanted to scare you I am really sorry" I know if I remove my mask they are going to be let they guard down this time.

I then slowly remove the mask from my face but an awkward moment happened. When I removed my mask Chloe and Alice started to blush. Yare yare for Chloe I can understand but Alice ?

"S-s-seinsei why are you hiding your face" Chloe said to me.

"Humph what an ugly face" Alice said while blushing and turning away her face. Well what a Tsundere little girl.

"Ok everyone of you please can you sit down ?"

Instantly, they all sat down. The girl obeyed just because of my face. While the boys were intrigued by the mask.

"Sensei, Since you entered we don't even know your name" Gail was the first one to ask for it.

"My name is Rimuru Tempest and I am here to save you all".

"Huh to save us, nobody succeed we had a lot of teachers but they all come and go" Kenya said to me and Ryota nodded to.

" Did you recognize this mask ?" Of course they were intrigued by it that's why I asked them.

All of them nodded and the first one to respond was Chloe. "It's Shizue-seinsei mask".

"You are right Chloe and I have a surprise for all of you but I will show it to you later, ok ?. I am here because Shizue asked me to save you all".

"And how are you going to do that seinsei ?" Ryota asked me.

" Oh I have my idea but first follow me outside I am going to test your strength.

Outside the court

"Well guys I want you to give everything you have. Let's conclude something if you scratch me, I will give you everything you want but if I win you are going to follow some rule okay ?"

"Ehhh I only lost once. And it was against Shizue-seinsei" Guess who ? Yes it's Kenya of course

He then started to shoot multiple fireballs at me But I don't even dodge. The me now is something else. But I won't do anything against them. But Hinata, hinata you are going to feel pain.....

" Well you see nothing work against me Kenya" you can train yourself more harder"

"Waaa" he started to cry "I will have my revenge.".

Okay the Next one is Chloe.

Chole is always shy and also have her book.

She then like the last time started to chant her water incantation. And water ball come closer to me and absorb me inside a water prison.

"You have to beg for my pardon or you are going to die" Chloe said.

"What a scary girl, but I am beyond that Chloe-chan". I started to absorb her attack.

"H-h-how is it possible" ?

" You are strong Chloe it's a fact but not for now you need training. And that's why I am here for". I continue. "Listen to me Guys. You really count a lot for Shizue-san and that's why I swear to protect you can you trust me ?"

" We will seinsei" Chloe respond with a shy voice.

"Humph you better not leave us". What a scary Tsundere.

"We are going to trust you seinsei" Gail said to me.

"Yosh........Thank you.

Somewhere in A building In Ingrassia.

A lonely man with a girl started to discuss about someone. This girl was full of murderous intent but what put her in this state

" You have met this monster ? " Hinata asked with an angered voice

"I did ?" the man respond shortly.

"Where is he now ? I am going to kill him"

"Actually he is helping the kids you can't hurt him because the kids trust him a lot and if you do so they are going to hate you. You already know that they love Shizue-sensei".

"What are you talking about if the kids discovered it it's going to be the same"

"Take this with you hinata".

"What is this" ?

"It's a device that allow me to talk with you and you can also do the same. I will prevent you when he is going to be alone"

"I will take my leave then".

"Be careful and take care Hinata"

But he doesn't receive an answer, but it doesn't bother him. His purpose was done. He manipulated the "strongest" knight to destroy a monster. But Inside him he felt like something is going on. How this being was able to know about his hidding skill ? A lot of thought started to slip into his head. I then find an answer.

"It' surely a coincidence"

Was he wrong or was he overconfident but soon he will realize how foolish he was..................

To be continued


A/N: Hi guys. Well as you can see I tried the Type(Lambda) for this chapter. It's of course not definitive. I just want you to share your comments about this type if you feel like the story change with the writing type. And I will take your comments and decide which I should use in the future. Peace and see you in the next one.

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