Chapter 5

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Anastasia's POV

We left early the next morning for the CDC. I rode in the RV with Carl, Andrea, and Rick. It was awfully quiet, I didn't like it.

Carl kept staring at me, I could see it out of the corner of my eye. We hadn't talked much since last night and it was kind of awkward.

After some time of driving, we became close to the CDC. We got out and everyone started to the door. It smelled awful, and T-Dog gave me a cloth to hold over my nose and mouth so it wasn't as bad.

When we got close to the doors, Rick and Shane started banging on them. "There's nobody here." T-Dog said.

"Then why are these shutters down?" Rick argued. A walker came up to us and I pulled my bow, but Daryl shot it down before I could even load. Then everyone began yelling.

"You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl shouted. Everyone was arguing, but what was the point. So what if Rick made the wrong call, he was going for our safety. I still think that someone is in there.

"We can't be this close to the city after dark." Lori said. Everyone began running back to the vehicles, but Rick and I stopped and stared.

"There's a camera Rick." I said. He looked up and shouted to everyone. We both saw it move, but Dale said it was our imagination. Shane and Daryl pulled us away from the door. Rick was yelling and begging and shouting to whoever was inside.

"You're killing us!" He yelled over and over and over. When he finally turned away, there was a bright burst of light. The door had opened. We walked in. A man came to the door with a gun. He asked why were we here and what we wanted. "A chance," Rick said.

"That's asking a lot these days." the strange man said. He told us that we all had to submit to a blood test. "Once this door closes it stays closed." he said. Everyone went to get our supplies and anything we needed. I started to follow but Carol told us to stay back. I didn't want to but I stayed.

They came back and we followed the man to where we could stay. Carl and I were sharing a room again, and I had butterflies in my stomach. I never really liked anyone before, so it was awkward for me.

The man's name was Dr. Edwin Jenner. After we all got settled in, we came back to the main room. Dr. Jenner had a big dinner set up for us with wine and everything. Me and Carl were allowed to have some, and I guess Carl had never tried wine before because he spit it out instantly. We all laughed and talked and joked and it felt good. None one had been like this in a long time.

I think Shane might've gotten a little drunk and I could hear shouting from my room. Carl came slipped into the room. "Hey." I said. He smiled at me but didn't say anything. I didn't know why he was being so quiet. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied smiling again. God I loved his smile. "What are you doing all cooped up in here?" he asked.

"Just drawing," I said. He came over and looked at what I was drawing. He looked confused. "It's a picture of me and my brother. I packed it in my bag before I left the house." I explained smiling at the memory.

"You two must've been close."

"Yeah, he was my mentor and protector. He taught me a lot of things in this world from sports, to school, to shooting my bow. And he was always there for me. We fought but I loved him. I wish I got the chance to tell him that before... All of this." He nodded. I looked up at him. "So umm... last night. What was that about?"

He blushed. "I don't know. I just had to. I like you Anastasia."

I had no idea what to say. I tried not to smile and replied, "I like you too Grimes." We sat there for in silence for a while. He sat down next to me and we just stared at each other. It was awkward again. He leaned in and kissed me.

Omg it's been like a month since I've updated I'm sorry I've been super busy and there's been a lot of drama and crap and I was in Arizona. I'll try to update more sorry if this is boring to you.

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