One Bed

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Sam's alarm went off at four in the morning. He jolted up and slipped out of bed easily. For Sam, mornings were easy. He just drank about 600 mgs of caffeine, went for a jog, took a hot shower, and drank some orange juice to cool off. Unfortunately, since he began working for the avengers he didn't have time for that everyday. This morning he settled on filling a huge thermos with coffee and jogging down to the SUV where a disgruntled Bucky was waiting for him. "Four in the fucking morning" he muttered angrily throwing his bag into the back and swinging into the drivers seat. Sam rolled his eyes and followed suit, swinging into the passenger seat. They had been briefed about their case before they left, there were reports of people surrounding an abandoned warehouse with heightened abilities. They were supposed to survey the situation and interject if needed.

The car ride was quiet and Bucky rested his head against the window and listened to music. Sam drove while Trouble Man played quietly in the car. After a few hours they pulled up to the hotel. They got their stuff and headed to the front desk. Bucky held back, sulking in the corner with the bags while Sam did the talking. "Hi, room for Wilson-Barnes." He shot a quick glare at Bucky as they couldn't decide who's name to use and had to hyphenate. Bucky just smirked back. The woman behind the desk smiled and typed something into her computer. She looked up and handed Sam a card. "Room 306. Have a nice day." Sam tossed her a smile "Thanks, you too." They unlocked the door and Sam followed Bucky in. "Shit." He muttered. "What?" Sam asked, stepping up beside Sam. Oh. "Shit." Bucky was already running down to the front lobby. Sam sighed and sat on the end of the only bed in the room.

Bucky finally came back up to the room grumbling. "How'd it go?" Sam asked sarcastically. Bucky rolled his eyes. "No. They said all the other rooms are booked and HQ won't move our hotel." Sam nodded "Makes sense." Bucky shot him a look. "I am not sleeping in a bed with you Wilson." "Well then you can sleep on the floor." Bucky took on a look of sincere disgust and stared at the carpet. "No, why don't you sleep on the floor." "Because I drove all the way here so either suck it up or get on the floor because it's late and I'm tired." Sam crawled into bed and closed his eyes.

Screaming jolted him awake. Bucky was clenching the sheets in his fists on his makeshift bed on the floor. Sam rolled off the bed and straddled him, holding his hands and gently shaking him. "Buck, Buck, Bucky! Wake up." Bucky's eyes fluttered open and his hands tightened on Sam's. "Breathe Buck, I'm here." Bucky was looking right into his eyes and loosened his grip on him, panting. "I'm sorry." Bucky muttered. "I guess It's not as comfortable down here as I thought." He chuckled dryly. Sam paused. "Just sleep in the bed Buck." "Ok, fine." Sam got back into bed. "What're you doing?" Bucky asked him. "I mean I'm not going to sleep on the floor." He felt the mattress sink next to him as Bucky laid down. Sam bit his lip as the queen size bed struggled to fit two men putting as much space between them as possible. Bucky quickly reached onto the bedside table and took some melatonin. Sam knew from the long nights of Bucky wandering the halls that he couldn't sleep without a lot of effort, and after the night's earlier events he needed it more than ever. Sam closed his eyes and drifted off.

Sam woke up with arms wrapped around him and his head tucked under Bucky's. Their legs were entwined and Sam's hand was in his hair. Sam knew he should be moving away and separating himself but all he could do was stare at Bucky's eyelashes. At that moment Bucky's eyes fluttered open and they caught Sam's. To his surprise Bucky didn't pull away either. Sam's cheeks flushed under Bucky's intense gaze. Finally Bucky coughed and turned away from Sam. "So..." Sam said softly "how'd you sleep?" There was a moment of silence before Bucky replied. "Good, better than ever actually." Sam smiled and moved to get out of bed, but suddenly Bucky grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. He held him slightly away from his face and stared into his eyes. Sam's face flushed again and he leaned in a bit. Bucky smirked and closed the distance between them, pressing their lips together.

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