The Winter Solider's gay?

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SPOLIER ALERT: This is based off the end of episode 6 of falcon and the winter soldier. It makes more sense if you've seen that and there are obviously spoilers about the show.

Bucky stood off to the side, and watched Sam in a ring of reporters. He was still in awe of his way with words, but considering what else he could do with his mouth Bucky wasn't too surprised. Still, with every word pride swelled in Bucky's chest. He really couldn't wait for Sam to get finished, so they could have a second alone.

Finally Sam stepped out of the circle and walked towards Bucky. Bucky smiled and said "Sorry, I was texting and so, all I heard was, "A black guy in stars and stripes." Sam chuckled and leaned in, planting a firm kiss on Bucky's mouth. "Nice one Cap" he whispered in Sam's ear and Sam jabbed him in the side, a smile on his face.

"Uh Cap?" Startled, both men turned around to see who had spoken. A young man had come up behind them and was standing awkwardly, a little unsure if he should be there. "What's up?" Sam asked, stepping towards the man.

"So, we got eyes on the last Flag Smasher that fell into the Hudson. He's hurt but not down. Can you help?" He fidgeted nervously with his cuffs. "Always" Sam reassured, then leaned in and whispered "And let's keep this between us for now" into his ear, gesturing to him and Bucky. "O- Of course sir" he muttered sheepishly and turned away.

Bucky caught Sam's elbow and pulled him close. "Don't be a dumbass." he said in a low voice and quickly kissed Sam. "Never" Sam said through a grin and flew up.

"So, The Winter Solider's gay." Bucky spinned and saw Shannon standing there, a hand covering the place she got shot. "Uh..." Bucky muttered but Shannon cut him off. "Don't worry Buck, I won't tell anyone. But you shouldn't trust that that guy is going to keep quiet. In fact I think I'm going to have him sign an NDA right now."

She stepped forward but stumbled, and Bucky reached out to steady her. "Ok, you're not getting anyone to do anything right now " he said, gaining some composure. Bucky led Shannon to an ambulance parked nearby, and all but forced her into the back.

By the time Bucky got home he was pretty drained. Telling Yori the truth had been difficult, but he knew it had to be done. Bucky unlocked the door to his apartment and stepped in. Immediately a lamp turned on down the hall and Sam's figure could be seen in an armchair next to it.

"Welcome home Bucky." he said, tilting his head and gesturing to the apartment with one hand. "Jesus Sam." he said, relaxing. "You scared the shit out of me." his mood suddenly brightened, despite the annoyance in his tone.

"You're late." Sam said, glaring playfully at Bucky. "Sorry baby" Bucky whispered huskily stepping closer. "Let me make it up to you?" Sam smiled and pulled Bucky down into a kiss. "You better." He whispered and turned off the light.

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