The man next to us goes all-in, and I watch as he pushes his chips into the middle of the table. I observe Cain's face as he skims down on his card, before the dealer looks at him. He nods and pushes all his chips in the middle of the table. I look down at Elijah's cards and it doesn't look good. I don't know how to play professional poker, but my dad and my uncles would play every now and then, and sometimes dad would let me sit in his lap, and just like that I learned the game.

I lean in over Elijah making it look like I'm kissing his neck. "Fold," I whisper in his ear, before I lean back in my chair. Elijah looks up at me, a dangerous smirk on his lips. He turns to the dealer, and gives him a card.


Me and Elijah look at Cain and the other gentleman as they keep betting. Our eyes wander over to the dealer and what he's doing, with the poker hands. This is all or nothing for the 2 men. The dealer works the cards, and I notice a twitch on Cain's lip. He's bluffing. As the dealer draws the last card, I feel a gasp hack in my throat.

Holy shit. Cain wins.

The loser draws back, and grabs his plus one as they walk out the Casino with raised heads. I quickly draw my eyes back to Elijah's cards, and I can nearly hear what he's thinking. He's going to go all-in, because he fell for Cain's previous bluff. With adrenaline running through my veins, I turn toward the dealer before he can continue with the game. "I want to cover for Mr. Christ!"

Silence. My ears ring as the dealer looks between me and Elijah. "Mr. Christ?" the dealer asks. I look at Elijah who nearly reeks of lust. His eyes are a shade darker, his tongue swiping his lips, before he looks up at the dealer.

"Her wish is my command," he says, getting up from his chair. I get up from my plus one, and I feel his hand running up the back of my thigh, causing a throbbing between my legs. I suddenly become aware of the gold cross around my neck, and exhale, taking a seat. The dealer looks over at Cain and Violette.

"Do you wish for you plus one to cover for you too, sir?" the dealer asks, and Cain looks at me, his face stone cold, before looking at his wife (I suppose). I look at Violette's face, and frankly—as hard as I try—I can't read it. She looks at me too, a sly smile coming onto her lips.

Cain gets up from his chair, and they swap seats. I sit before her, watching as she picks the cards up. Not a slight shake as she holds her cards in her hands. Her posture is lean and clean. She thinks she's winning this. I'm sure she's good at playing poker.

I'm just better.

"All in," I say, looking over at the dealer. Shock flashes Elijah's face, but he doesn't make it more obvious than that. I know he's probably cussing me out in his head, for stealing his moment of beating this Cain guy, but the difference is I can read Cain, and his wife even better. Elijah can't.

Violette does the same, and looks up at her husband, a smile on her lips. The dealer works the cards, and I watch as he draws an Ace of Spades. Her face drops, and she looks down at her cards, letting a small puff out her lips. I look up at Elijah, who's looking as the dealer drags the lost chips toward me, before he looks down at me with a grin on his lips.

"The winner of this evening is EC, and his plus one, Josie Moore," the dealer says as he gets up from his chair making his way toward the bar, with our chips to cash them in. Elijah gave him some tips, along with Cain, who was standing up, his wife next to him. Before I know it, I'm dragged out of the Casino by Elijah, and he quickly opens the car door for me, waiting impatiently for me to get in. When I finally do, he makes his way toward the driver's seat before smacking his car door, slowly turning to me.

"You play poker," he says matter-of-factly.

"I've played a few times with my dad- It wasn't any fancy game like that or anything. I'm...I'm really sorry if I overstepped, Mr. Christ-"

"Josephine Moore, you just won half a million dollars," he cuts me off, and I can't seem to detect if he's upset or glad. 

"Well I guess I should thank you, for inviting me," I say under my breath. Adrenaline and lust is pumping through my veins right now. It feels as if I can barely breathe. His eyes move from my eyes to my lips. I clears his throat and starts the car. 

Then he drives off, until we're parked outside of my apartment. The car is filled with unspoken words than none of us have the courage to say. I turn my head to him, a genuine smile on my lips. 

"I had fun tonight. Thank you for inviting me, Mr. Christ. I'll see you Monday," I say. When he turns his face to me he's basically drowning in something that looks like desire and agony. The look itself is too much. I hurry out, my keys in my hand. Truth is, I'd left held them in my hand from the second the drove off from the casino so that we wouldn't have to sit awkwardly. 

I walk up to the gate and buzz myself in. It's first then, I hear the car take off. When I make it home, I unzip the dress, kick my heels off, making my way to my lovely bed, in nothing but a pair of panties. Then I make sure to mute the intercom so I can sleep all day tomorrow morning with no interruptions. I'll return the dress and heels to him on Monday. As if the PRADA wasn't enough he'd bought me red bottoms too. 

I lay on my back, and let a deep sigh out my mouth. I turn to my right side, but all I see when I close my eyes is his stupid face. I grunt. I turn over to my left. Sigh. I turn over on my back. I get up from bed, and walk toward the bathroom, splashing some cold water in my face. I walk toward the kitchen and open the fridge. Milk. The milk will make me tired.

I sip from the carton, and grimace by the taste. I fake a yawn, and hop back into bed. I turn to my right side. I close my eyes. I turn over to my left. I turn over on my back. I slowly spread my legs. I put my hand on my stomach, and allow it to run further down. I close my eyes, and imagine the man I hate the most, on top of me.

I sin. And I enjoy it. My fingers find the sensitive skin under the thin fabric of lace, plastered on my skin. I slowly start rubbing, sighing. My mouth falls open, as I feel euphoria spread in my body. I feel goosebumps all over my skin, as I rub myself. 

"Elijah," I gasp when I feel my climax near. I grab the bedsheets, and nearly feel my jaw fall off, when I cum all over my hands. A big sigh leaves my lips, as I close my eyes embarrassed by what just happened.

"So you do know how to say my name?"

I scream, looking toward the entrance of my bedroom. The man himself standing with his arms crossed a bulge in his pants, and a grin so big I want to punch him.

"Oh, please do not stop on my behalf," he says, as he makes his way toward me, my purse in his hand. Fuck. Me. He leans over my bed frame, looking down at my body that's covered in sheets of sin.

"Show me your uttermost best, miss Moore."

. . . 

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