Chapter 18

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//Why do my chapters all feel so short now...

To say they were surprised to see Phil out and about would be an understatement. Their mouths practically dropped open in shock when he waved while Techno carried him over. That was not what they expected when the pink haired man ran after Brian just a few minutes ago. "What is he doing outside! He was still complaining about pain this morning!" Techno huffed as he walked up the small hill, the sun burning down at him not helping at all when carrying someone. "He's feeling better. And being stuck inside for so long might not be that good for him..." "I can talk for myself you know." Techno laughed as he carefully placed him in the soft grass underneath the single small tree that was near the stable. Some shade is better than no shade.

"He's just here to chat and hang out, not help with the stable, so this should be fine. It's not that much pressure on his back." "Again, I have the ability to talk too." "You haven't stopped me though." The others began to snicker and giggle behind them as Techno placed a water bottle and some food on his cape, which he had quickly snatched from the fence and placed it next to Phil. "Stay. Don't move too much. If you even try to get up you are banned back to the house." "I'm not a little kid!" "But you are too stubborn for your own good, that's already bad enough."

Phil was left to pout in his spot underneath the tree, Brian and Blade both deciding that he was a nice resting spot, with Blade in his lap and Brian perched on his shoulder. Techno completely ignored the oldest and joined the others to help construct the walls of the stable now. It wasn't the prettiest thing, really ugly and basic actually, made from cobblestone and wood, but it's theirs and they were proud of it. Tommy was constantly laughing and making jokes, Phil's hat on his head and shielding him from the sun. Looking at him like this, with his hat and the messy blonde hair poking out from underneath it... it's starting to become obvious why people would consider him Phil's son in real life. Sure, there are some obvious differences, but that could easily be said to come from the 'mother's' side.

Tommy's excitement was a nice distraction from any dark thoughts that had been there earlier, his laughter very contagious to the point where there was barely a moment without him and someone laughing. He may be loud and sometimes very annoying, but he still is a good friend and tries to keep everyone smiling and laughing and distracted. Even if he doesn't know that he is doing it, which he probably does.

It was easy to involve Phil without needing him to get up, his position under the tree perfect for a good outside look on their construction and feedback on what they need to change so it doesn't look as bad as it could. They had to talk a little louder so he can hear their conversation over the small distance, but that wasn't that much of a problem. Besides Techno, everyone was used to talking and screaming loudly in streams or videos. Okay... Techno has been pretty loud as well, but that's not the point. He would never admit to it anyways.

It was a nice day... one that didn't feel like being trapped and lost.

When the sun started to set, they retreated back to the safety of their base, leaving the half constructed stable for now. If they manage to keep the same pace tomorrow, then they should be able to finish it. "That stable takes much longer than I thought." Sapnap stretched and yawned, trying to get his body to wake up a bit again, at least enough to eat dinner. He's probably the one that hates skipping any kind of food the most.

"Of course it does. Even with Minecraft physics, constructing a house takes forever." Phil placed his head on top of Techno's, who had taken of his crown and tied it to his belt so it wont get lost. Brian was on top of Phil's head, feathers fluffed up and half asleep, just like his human friend was. "And it's exhausting too, especially if you do it on your own." "We managed to finish Dream and George's house in a day though." "That house is half the size of the stable and is mostly wood. Not so many different materials and stuff like fences and shit." "Fair enough."

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