Chapter 12

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 "He could have died Sapnap!"

"You act like I did it on purpose!"

"Why would you even fight so close to a river?!"

"We were just playing!"

"You know Tommy! Never get him close to anything that could hurt him!"

"I'm sorry okay! The river wasn't that deep he would have been fine anyways!"

"Currents exist Sapnap! He could have been pulled under!"

"How long do you think they will keep going?" "I don't know, Phil seems pretty angry still." The rest of the group was settled in the grass near the houses and watched the chaos unfold, with Tommy still wrapped in Techno's cape and an extra blanket as well as eating a warm potato. Despite Sapnap and Phil being roughly the same height, the younger looks much smaller with how he flinches back when Phil raised his voice even more.

"I'll be honest, I've never seen Sapnap so scared of someone outside of the few times he played horror games." Dream watched as Sapnap opened his mouth to try and defend himself, only to shut it after a single glare from the other. "And I have never heard Phil scream so much before. Like, genuinely angry and not just excited or annoyed with Tommy." "Hey!" "You know it's true." Tommy huffed and crossed his arms. "Well I have never seen someone actually scared of Phil. Look at him! He looks like a kicked puppy."

After another few moments of watching them argue Techno got bored of it and decided that Sapnap probably endured enough lecture now. "Alright Phil, that's enough. We're all hungry and tired over here and your voice will probably be hoarse tomorrow from all the screaming." The blonde's head turned towards him, but unlike Sapnap he's not actually scared of his friend. "Come on, he got the point. Leave him be. Tommy is alive and fine, so let's not worry about all the things that could have happened."

Phil turned back to Sapnap, glanced over at Techno and then just grumbled something under his breath as he walked back towards his house. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief that the situation was finally over and got up from their position on the floor. After Phil had disappeared into his house together with Tommy, Sapnap leaned against the wall and placed a hand on his chest, as if he was out of breath. "Thanks Techno..."

"Don't mention it." The taller grabbed his cape that Tommy had left behind on the floor and turned towards the other. "But make sure to never make him angry like that again. Next time I won't save your ass from him. And if you would have hurt Tommy with your little game, Phil would have been the least of your problems." With that, he left for the house as well, leaving a stunned Sapnap and an open mouthed Dream behind, who was too shocked by Techno actually threatening someone to tease him about saying ass like that.

Inside the house he was greeted by the sight of Tommy on the bed, whining about being treated like a baby while Phil bandaged up his arm that was scratched up and bruised from him tripping over his own feet. "Just because I am fixing you up does not mean I am treating you like a baby." "You are acting like an overprotective parent though." "And if you don't shut up you will sleep on the floor."

Techno raised his hands in defeat at the threat and sat down on his own bed, with Tommy giving an amused snort. "Why the fuck are you all so scared of Phil? Who the fuck would ever be scared of the old man?" "He can be very threatening." "Our Phil?" "Yup. He's a lot stronger than he looks, you should see him mining and building." "Guys I am right here you know." "We know."

Phil rolled is eyes as he tied off the bandage and put the rest away. Brian, who had watched everything from a safe distance to not get anything thrown at him, perched on his shoulder as soon as he was done. It made the oldest smile again as he reached up to stroke over his feathers. "You're not scared of me huh? Should have expected that." "You kidding? He stayed in the corner until you were done. He was terrified." An affirmative caw was the answer, which finally broke him and made him laugh. "Sorry."

When the game becomes reality (OLD WORK)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें