Chapter 15

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// more filler i guess

The argument or topic of beating the game didn't come up again during the next few days. There were awkward silences or stares whenever Techno and Sapnap were in the same room, but it never escalated again like it had that day. They spent their days either mining for resources or collecting wood and food, just basic survival stuff for now.

With Phil bound to his bed, Techno took charge of taking care of the field and manage their resources while Dream took it on himself to teach Sapnap how to mine with as less physical effort as possible. George was allowed to help now as well, though his work was mostly collecting and carrying instead of mining or cutting down trees. Tommy was put on 'Phil watch' as he put it, staying by the older's side to make sure he's alright and to fetch him food or water whenever he needs it. Usually he would complain about not being allowed to do the 'big man work', but he found it rather hilarious to tease Phil about being his babysitter.

Phil hated the past few days. He was in constant pain from his wings growing in and boredom seemed to never leave him. After weeks of grinding for resources and building his base, doing nothing just seemed wrong. He felt useless, even with the constant reassurance that he wasn't, that he deserved a break after all his work. Yeah... a break usually doesn't involve burning pain shooting up his spine whenever he just flinched.

Growing his wings, as expected, was a long process. Way too long for his taste, but there is nothing he can do about it. The morning after the argument there had been two noticeable spikes growing from the wound, both around 10 inches long so far. The skin on his wings was pale and slimy, no feathers growing from them yet, which makes sense. Feathers would have gotten stuck on the way out and could have hindered the growth. They were incredible sensitive to the touch and he had hissed in discomfort when Techno had carefully cleaned blood from the extra limbs and his back.

By the second morning the length had doubled, the appendages starting to widen and show more muscles under pale skin. Now that they had broken through his skin and had made it out, the growing part was starting to speed up, both to Phil's delight and horror. It hurt a lot and honestly feeling something grow out of your back is disgusting. Tommy lovingly had described his featherless wings as spider legs, only adding to the unpleasant thoughts and feeling.

And now, after four days, the wings had reached a length of roughly 4 feet each. At this point he had the ability to at least fold them enough to not fill the small home with them, but he knew he wasn't done. From the little bit of wing anatomy he knows, which really isn't a lot, he's sure that quite a bit of bone as well as one joint was still missing. "How big do you think they will get?" "I'm not sure... they are still growing, but I'm definitely above the halfway point I think..." Tommy hums and stared at the wings. "Won't be that big then..." "I'm still growing feathers Tommy. The bone doesn't reach all the way down. And if the fanart I've seen is even close to being anatomically correct, then those feathers could get huge and add quite a bit of wingspan."

"What wingspan do you think you'll get?" "I don't fucking know. Maybe like... 18 feet? Has to be big enough that I can fly... If I can fly." "Wait that's huge! You said you are halfway done with the bones!" "Tommy, wingspan goes from the tip of one wing to the other. Not only one wing. And I have like 8 or 9 feet already, so that would be double." "Oh..." Phil laughed at the way Tommy frowned, practically seeing the gears turn in his head. Brian chirped and nuzzled more against Phil's side, happily fluffing up his feathers as his friend reached to stroke over his head. "Yeah, I hope it's over soon too. But it is speeding up quite a bit, so I should only take like two or three more days... if I don't grow really big wings."

"Everything okay in here?" Techno walked in through the door, a basket with potatoes and carrots in his arms. "Yeah, just the usual." He nodded and walked over to the food barrels next to the furnaces to fill them up. "How is your back?" "Still burning... still in pain... but it gets more bearable. How was the harvest?" "Great. We lost two carrot plants, but the rest gave us quite a bit. It's pretty hot though, so we decided to take a break and replant tomorrow." Once he had everything stored away he began to wash his hands and his shirt who were covered in mud. His boots had already stayed at the door, waiting to be cleaned as well.

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