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wordcount: 2.130


Heyyy! Wow! I feel like this update didn't take too long..! kinda proud of myself. *applauds self*

So I left you of with a bit of a mystery last chapter.. not to give away too much away, but I'm very excited about this one! Lots of surprises await!


Mos Shuuta, Tatooine

A couple of days have gone by since Silena has seen Anakin last, after they got back from their day of adventures. And to say she was worried is an understatement. None the less she gets up to work everyday, looking out to the throne. Hoping to see Anakin again, but she doesn't show up and not the next day or the next. Aside form Anakin's mysterious disappearance, there has been a shift in conversations around town. With Jedi being the hot topic of discussions. It's the day before the Boonta Eve Podrace, and Silena remembered Anakin talking to that Twi'lek girl about taking them to watch the race. If only she could contact her, instead of having to wait for her to do so. Deciding to shake it off for now, Silena heads back to work. During her shift however, she looks over at the throne multiple times. Still no Anakin, and  to her surprise, their Master is also nowhere to be seen. Quickly putting two-and-two together, a slight panic rises in the pit of her stomach. While continuing the hard work in the kitchen, Silena is working on a plan-of-action in her head. After work she'll head out to Mos Espa, picking up Kitster. Going out to find Cal and the others for help.

Of course, it feels like centuries have gone by by the time Silena's shift ends. And so she quickly makes her way down to the quarters. As she passes by Anakin's door, there's rummaging sounds coming from inside. Her eyes widen and before you could even blink, Silena enters his room. "Oh my.. Anakin I-" She starts rambling, but is interrupted by the sight of an empty room. Looking around confused about where the rummaging came from, maybe she just imagined it. But right when she turns around to leave, a sad looking Six pops up from behind the desk. "Bo-beep?" "So you haven't seen Anakin either, huh?" Silena sits down on Anakin's bed, Six carefully scoots over and settles himself against her thigh. "Wanna go on an adventure with me? Find out what happened to Anakin?" Silena asks the little droid. Immediately he rises to his feet. "Be-boop bop!" "Alright, let's go then!" Silena chuckles. They exit the sleep quarters and head out to the landing pad. The pod-speeder they borrowed still under the tarp in the same spot they left it. "Hop on." Six hops up, gripping onto the part in front of Silena.

Mos Espa, Tatooine

Some time later, they arrive in Mos Espa. It's suspiciously quiet around town. The feeling that something big is on the cusp, lingers down the streets of the usually lively city. "Strange.." She whisper to herself, frowning at the sight in front of her eyes. She makes her way to the modifiers shop, no luck there. So onto the next stop, the local Cantina. Entering 'the Sanctuary', relieve instantly washes over her body when she spots the familiar red haired guy. Accompanied by Katie and Lyna, they're sitting at a booth in the back. As she approaches the booth, that's when Silena notices the two hooded figures sitting at the booth aswel. "Sil, hey." Cal greets her, looking up from the conversation. All eyes now on her. "Uhm, hi. I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." "No, not at all. Please come sit." Lyna moves aside making space for Silena to sit. "Oh no, I'm kind of in a hurry." Silena declines the offer. "Did Anakin not come?" Lyna asks, moving back to her original seat. "That's what the hurry is about.." Silena pauses for a moment. "Something happen with his arm?" Cal asks, now a bit worried. "No. I mean I don't know. I haven't seen him since we got back after the accident.." She starts to explain. "I think he might be in trouble.." She tries her hardest to shove the possible scenarios to the back of her mind. ".. Our Master has been gone all day as well." "You're a slave?" A high pitched female voice speaks, making Silena look. It's the figure sitting furthest back, a young female Togruta. "We can help find him, right Master?" The girl looks up from underneath her hood. "Hold on, young Padawan. We have a bigger mission here. That's our first priority." The other figure replies, an older human male. Have read her fair share of legends and stories about the Jedi, Silena recognizes the terms and a shivers runs down her spine. Enzo was right! It's not just rumors, the Jedi have come to end slavery on Tatooine! "Oh yes, I'm sorry. This is Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master, and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano." Cal introduces them. "I'm Silena. It's so nice to meet you." "What did you say you're friends name was again?" Obi-Wan asks, leaning a bit forward towards Silena. "Uhm.. Anakin, we work in Mos Shuuta together." She replies, at another mention of Anakin Six pops up from behind Silena's back. "Oh goodness, who's this little guy!" Lyna immediately lights up. "He's Anakin's." A soft smile appears on Silena's face, as she remembers that day she met Six. "Well, if your friend is who I think it is.. we'll help you find him. Maybe he could help us in return." Obi-Wan states. At this point Silena has sat down next to Lyna in the booth, since this conversation has taken a slight unexpected turn. She's listening intently to the Jedi sitting opposite her, answering all of his questions about what had happened exactly and when and where she had seen him last.

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