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wordcount: 2.770


Hello There! Before you come at me in the comments; YES! I am aware that I'm not following the canon timeline when it comes to certain characters that show up in this chapter! This is my story and I can do what I want!  so deal with it!

Anyways, hope you enjoy! Also another CONTENT WARNING! this chapter contains sensitive topics of slavery, non-consensual sexual activity and explicit gore content!


Mos Espa, Tatooine

Anakin's eyes flutter open, feeling confused and exhausted. He scans his surroundings and quickly realises; he's not in his bedroom. In fact it looks like he's not even at the Palace. As he tries to recall what had happened and how he got here, he finds that he can't remember anything after dropping off Kitster. So instead Anakin decides to focus on his surroundings, which do look somewhat familiar though. He knows he has been here before, but when and where is still unclear. Looks like the inside of a tent, there's some bags laying around and.. wait a second.. that bag, where has Anakin seen that bag before? Now he remembers, last year when he was doing a job for that Duros guy. That's it, everything is slowly coming back to him. The tents, the suspicious looking crates and the.. the lightsaber. Suddenly Anakin hears voices talking outside of the tent. One of them he immediately recognises to be Silena's, and that's when everything starts coming back to him. The crash, saving Silena and the sudden pain in his arm. His eyes instantly dart down to his right arm, which is wrapped up with cloth. "Ah kark!" He groans, as the pain is slowly coming back when he tries to get up. Not only catching himself off guard, but Silena as well. "Anakin!" She exclaims, rushing into the tent. "Oh thank the heavens, you're alive!" Silena kneels down and hugs Anakin, being mindful of his injured arm. "Sil, wha- what happened?" "We crashed.. and you.. saved me.. and.. your arm.." Silena pauses for a moment, looking down at the cloth wraps, covering what's underneath. "..You got cut really badly.. it- it wouldn't stop bleeding.. I didn't know what to do, so I tried my best to stop the bleeding and so in a panic I called out for help.." Silena begins to explain..

four hours earlier

"PLEASE, CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME?! I NEED HELP!" Silena continues calling out for help. The sound of speeders in the distance grabs her attention, as she's looking around she can see a small cloud if sand dust coming closer in her direction. "Oh yes, please." She whispers herself some hopeful words. Looking down at Anakin's injury, that seems to have closed ever so slightly but just enough to stop the bleeding for a bit. "HELLO! HELP ME! HE'S DYING!" Silena now yells in the direction if the travellers, which she now can see are actually three different speeders. As they near her they come to a stop, and one of them rushes over. "Hey, what happened?" This guy with fiery ginger hair asks, as he scans the situation in front of him. "We- we crashed and fell down the cliff.. I don't know exactly how it happened, but his arm.. I.. he can't.. he just saved me.." Silena starts to ramble stil panicked. "Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay!" The guys lays a hand on her shoulder. "We can help him. Calm down okay." He states, motioning for the others to come over. "Lyna, examine his arm please. And Katie grabs a healing kit." They do as told. Lyne, the female Twi'lek, kneels down beside Anakin. Looking over the big slash on his lower right arm and the small pool of blood surrounding it. "Hi, I'm Cal, by the way." Cal introduces himself. "Silena." She shakes his hand, still not completely calmed down.

After examining the wound, they set up a tent. "Sil.." Cal calls out, as he exits the tent and sit down next to Silena on a blanket on the sand. Silena looks up at him, hopeful but afraid of what news he brings. "It's bad, isn't it? Just say it." She states, swallowing her tears. ".. it's pretty bad yeah.." Cal pauses for a second, looking for the rights words. "Lyra is positive his arm needs to be amputated." Silena's eyes widen in shock. She knew it was gonna be bad, but nothing like this. There are no word to express how she's feeling, so saying nothing is the best she can do. "We know a cybernetics modifier shop in Mos Espa. They can make a replacement mechno-arm for him, or we could amputate it ourselves and leave it as is." Silena takes it all in. "Is he awake?" She asks. "No, he's still unconscious. Lyra gave him pain relieve and a sedative. He won't feel a thing." Cal assures Silena. "Okay.. well let's go then." It feels somewhat wrong to make this decision for him, but to Silena it's pretty common sense to want to have an arm and if this is the way, it's pretty much the only option.

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