The start of a beginning (1)

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A/N: Hello all. First off, I just want to say is that this isn't my story, it actually belongs to my friend but he decided that I should be the one to post it, although my friend is actually the main writer, I'm just his co-writer who probably just does 20% of everything while he does the rest. My friend told me that he is open to suggestions and comments since the two of us have mostly basic knowledge about Ben 10, we just get our information through the Ben 10 Wiki so if you ever see a mistake, just tell us.

Before you go further, I want to tell you that this story was supposed to have Ben as the main character but instead, my friend decided to use an OC because he realized that it would be hard to put the story together without messing up Ben's character along with a few other things. Instead, the OC would be Ben's son, and the story would be set in some kind of alternate universe or probably a different kind of MHA. I'll try my best to explain more things as the story progresses.

Benjamin Kirby Tennyson was currently looking at a picture of him and his son who was just about five years old at the time. It was also the same year where he and his son, Glenn Tennyson, moved to Japan because of how he gained too much attention from the government after he was branded as the number one vigilante in the U.S.A. Although his sudden departure from America to Japan wasn't just because of his notoriety but also for another reason which he only kept to himself. Though he met many interesting people in his new country, he was still unsuccessful in accomplishing his other reason for moving to Japan and eventually gave up in that area and started to focus on more important matters.

'I wish I could have given you an easy and happy life, Glenn. I'm sorry that you never enjoyed your younger years like any normal child and how you never met your mother because of me. I... I failed you as a father and I hope that one day you will understand why I do this...' Ben, who was now much more mature mentally and physically, thought to himself as he was waiting for the person that he is supposed to meet up with.

Ben was simply waiting in a room where he was told to go to since he was about to meet up with a certain number one hero of Japan. While Ben was still looking at the picture and also stuck in his own thoughts, the door suddenly opened up revealing All-Might with a serious look on his face rather than his smiling one.

Ben stood up with a serious face and approached All-Might while he tucked the picture in his pocket. "All-Might. I guess there is a reason why you decided to meet up here without bringing any other heroes or the police. And just by analyzing your face, I could see that you have no intention of arresting me."

Ben crossed his arms while also being on high alert just in case All-Might tries to make a move on him. All-Might noticed Ben's on-guard posture so he decided to offer him a handshake as a sign that he's not hostile towards him which Ben accepted. "I know that you are a vigilante and that I should be currently trying to apprehend you... But... I need your help. I was finally able to pinpoint the location of a very powerful villain. So please, we need to set aside our differences and help each other to defeat All For One and to save the lives of innocent people. "

Ben's mind started to process everything that he heard and he is sure that All-Might isn't lying, he isn't one to lie about something like this after all. He does understand that when you are in a desperate time, you will take desperate measures. All-Might does currently sound and looks desperate for assistance, but why him though? Ben is the number one vigilante back in America and he is pretty sure that he got that ranking again here in Japan. But still, why him instead of other heroes? Why Ben rather than Endeavor or other high-ranking heroes?

"Why me? Why not ask for help from your hero friends? After all, once the fighting is done, you'll just arrest me." Ben replied to All-Might with slight anger rising inside him.

Be a Hero [MHA X Ben10] (Male OC X MHA)Where stories live. Discover now