【49】Cowardly Rat

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During the rest of the walk, Lucian managed to keep a clear head

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During the rest of the walk, Lucian managed to keep a clear head. Ackley's words had shaken him, but he tried to rationalize what was happening. The thought that the whistleblower might have fallen onto his lap brought a great surge of hope, which he struggled to contain.

Before anything, he had to confirm his suspicions. Ackley knowing that he and Maeve were about to announce their engagement and him being the rat who'd sold her secrets weren't the same thing. But Ackley's assurance that the rumors were true definitely indicated that he might, in fact, be the person Lucian was looking for.

Between that and his animosity for Maeve, he was more than suspicious.

By the time they arrived at the manor, Lucian had forgotten his original plan to leave before he could be noticed. While he wasn't looking forward to attending the festivities, he couldn't quite leave until he'd figured out what the hell was going on with Ackley.

So, instead of heading for the stables to have Minerva saddled and leave, he followed the others inside the manor. A valet bowed when they entered before guiding them toward whatever room the guests were gathered in. Before they reached it, Lucian grabbed John's arm and pulled him aside, slowing down their pace.

"I can't join you there," he explained. "If the duke sees me, trouble might ensue. But I need a favor from you, John."

"Sure, what do you want?"

Making sure no one was around to see them, he opened the closest door and checked what was inside. It was a small yellow parlor, and it would be good enough for what he had in mind.

"I need you to get Ackley in here," he explained. "Use whatever trick you can think of, but bring him to me."

"If it's so you can beat him senseless, I'd rather not."

Lucian winced, understanding why John would believe this was his goal. But depending on how his conversation with the idiot would unfold, it might be the outcome. "He said something to me on our way back, and... I have reason to believe he's the one who sold the gossip to the newspaper," he argued in a low voice.

John's eyes widened, and he looked in the direction the others had disappeared to. "Well... I imagine I shouldn't be surprised. For some reason, he's always had a problem with Lady Maeve. If you ask me, he did deserve that slap she gave him for kissing her like that."

"She didn't slap him. She kicked him in the balls. Hard. But regardless, you're right. He loathes her. So, please, bring him here so I can interrogate him."

"Will do. It might take me a moment, though, since we've just arrived."

"Whatever it takes, just bring him here. I'll wait."

After a slight hesitation, John turned to him again. "What will you do to him, if it turns out you're right?"

"Well, I'm not sure yet, but I won't promise he'll get out of here intact."

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