Frist day

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Maddie's POV
"You don't have to show me around you know," I said as we walked down the hall way.
"Huh?" Riley questioned.
"It's just I don't need help I can figure things out myself," I said looking at the floor.
"Maddie I want to show you around and you look like a really fun person to be around," Riley said with a smile.
"Fat chance," I mumbled to myself.
We walked into a class room full of kids.
"Dad this is the new girl Maddie," Riley said as she walked up to the teacher.
"Hello Maddie. Class this is Maddie Johnson she is from UCLA," the teacher said.
"Hi Maddie," the class yelled.
"Hi," I said as I sat in a random empty seat behind a brown haired boy.
"Hi! I'm Elliot Matthews," the boy said as he turned around.
"Hi are you related to Riley and this Teacher?" I asked.
He smiled and laughed.
"Yea Riley is my little sister and Mr. Matthews is my dad," he said with a smile.
"Oh I thought this was an 8th grade class," I said slowly.
"Well it's home room so it's a mix of everything there are eight 8th graders and four 9th graders," he said with a smile.
"Oh cool," I said with a smile.
The bell rang and everyone got up.
"Well Maddie it was nice meeting you maybe we can get to know each other better," Elliot said as he walked away.
"Was Elliot bothering you?" A blonde haired girl asked.
"Oh um no he was just introducing him self that's all," I said with a smile.
"Okay well I'm Maya Hunter I'm Riley's best friend and that's Farkle and the other one is Lucas Riley's boyfriend," Maya said as Riley walked up.
"Okay well it's off to first period," Riley said as Lucas and her linked hands.
I smiled to my self.
"Maddie your never allowed to see Cameron ever again!" My mom yelled.
"Mom! I'm already Pregnant what else could possibly happen!" I screamed.
"That's why you're never allowed to see him again! Now go to your room!" She yelled.
"Ugh I hate you Mom!" I yelled as I ran to my room.
*flashback over*
"He can never know about Noah," I said to myself.
Elliot's POV
"El it looks like your in love," my uncle yelled.
"Josh have you ever just met a girl and fell in love with her with out bothering to get to know her secrets?" I asked.
"Elliot wake up bro I'm dating Maya Hunter! Answer your question yourself," Josh laughed.
"True you are dating the Maya Hunter she's known to have a lot of secrets," I said as I opened my locker.
"Not that many secrets we've known her whole life," Josh said as he shut my locker and walked away.
"Great uncle Josh I love our talks!" I yelled as I rolled my eyes.
"Riley's POV
"So what do you think of our school so far?" I asked.
"I still wish I was at my old school but you guys are pretty nice so I might get use to it," Maddie said with a smile.
"So you me and Maya want to get together at your house and work on this project tonight?" I asked.
"Sure," Maddie said looking at the ground.
Maya's POV
"Riley why did you do that you and I had a double date tonight," I said slowly.
"Will reschedule," Riley said as she opened her locker.
"Ugh fine," I said as I opened my locker.
"Your know your a dork right Riley?" I asked.
"Yeah but you love me," she said as she shut her locker.
"Yeah I do," I said as I shut my locker.
"Meet Maddie and I at the front door after this class?" Riley asked.
"Most definitely," I said as I headed to my class.
You're probably wondering why Josh and Maya don't walk to class together.
They do walk to class sometimes just not do all of their classes just like Riley and Lucas don't walk to all of the classes.
Okay so who wants Maddie with Elliot and who wants Maddie with Farkle?
How is Maddie going to keep Noah a secret from Elliott?
Well until next time!

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