Chapter 6: Happy Once Again

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I'm sorry for not being active on the book, the last 4 months were just a heck. I haven't forgotten about the story, I'm really sorry.

I'll try to update the book more often since school isn't here yet. Honestly if school even starts, I'll focus on this book first. Again I'm really sorry.

You, your aunt and your mom, began to prepare the ingredients for the meal. Your mom prepared the pot, while your aunt starts to cut the ingredients. Your aunt taught your mom how to properly do the procedures.

After about 30 minutes the meal was cooked, just smelling already made you think it's delicious. Your aunt called you to try it out and you did. It was amazing as always.

"Next time, Brianna would do the meal" Your aunt said "Oh I don't know if I can do it as delicious as your" She replied. "Cooking a new meal is not something you can learn overnight, it takes time to find the right taste but I will assure you. It will turn out amazing in the end" Your mom smiled in response

You asked your mom where are the dishes so you can prepare them on the table. Your mom said where it is and started to place them on the table. You started to remember your family again

You were placing the plates on the table, then all of a sudden two pair of hands started to tickle you "Dad, stop" You exclaimed and laugh. "Mom will be angry if I accidentally break one of the plates" he stopped tickling you and helped you on the plates

"Oh I'll definitely be" Your mom said while holding the meal, she placed the meal at the table then say down. You took your spoon and tasted the meal "an infinity out of a hundred!" She exclaimed. You stood up from you seat and hugged your mom.

Your mom chuckled "You always say that dear" you looked to her " because it's true, your the best mom"

Back to reality, you snapped out of your thoughts, you didn't realize that your now having tears in your eyes. You completely wipe them off and continued to place the plates.

After a while, your aunt place the meal on the table. You heard foot steps from upstairs going down. You saw your Dad's siblings and parents walking to the table

"Wow that smells delicious" Josh said. Your mom's parents arrived as well "It does, who cook the meal y/n?" Your mom's mother asked "My aunt did" They smiled and sat on the table. All of you sat on the table but you saw someone wasn't here yet

"Mom where's Dad?" You called out "I'm here" Preston said "Sorry I had a phone call from the office" You nodded. You gazed at your Dad's siblings and saw they bit their lips looking down to their feet, you sighed. You Dad get sat on a chair next to your mom.

Dinner is amazing, a lot of fun chats and conversations but you can feel the awkwardness and tension in between. After eating you volunteered to fix the dishes which your aunt insisted on helping. You stacked the plates and placed them on the sink, your aunt followed with the glasses and bowls.

You leaned on the counter and sighed "Don't worry about them. They'll talk to each other eventually, no siblings ended their relationship with one another because of a fight" Your aunt said, you only looked up to her "I know that but it just makes me feel guilty though"

Your aunt walked to you and leaned beside you "Don't be, things will turn well. I know that" You smiled at her and she smiled back "Thank you for being there for me" You hugged her and which she returned.

You started to wash the dishes with the help of your aunt since she insisted on helping you. The two of you had a conversation about your childhood, about how your cousins back in the Philippines are and more stuff.

After washing the dishes, the both of you headed to the living room and saw them.

The siblings were crying and hugged each other, you smiled seeing that they've reconciled again. It was such a happy scene to watch. You saw your mom looked at you and smiled.

Your Dad saw you and gestured you to come over, you nodded and headed towards them "I'm happy that your in good terms now" You said, they smiled and looked at each other.

After a while of conversation, it was 10pm meaning to say it's your bed time. You said to your mom that your heading upstairs since it's already late. You said goodbye to your new aunt and uncle's since they're now heading to their homes.

You reached your room and started to wash your face and put on some fresh and clean pajamas. It was a hectic and stressful day but in the end, everything turned out well.

After you head upstairs, your aunt and your parents had a conversation.

"So, I was wondering. Do y/n has more phobias than the one she just had a while ago?" Brianna asks, Your aunt looked at her and said "y/n has some minor phobias that she's able to face of course but the major ones are, Agoraphobia, and Thanatophobia"

Your aunt sighed and continued "Both of those are anxiety disorders, but it can be controlled since she was already improving in her therapies, in conclusion she won't have panic attacks now and then. Like how she was in the past"

The couple looked at each other then back to her, then Brianna said "Does she have any medications or treatments?" Your aunt nodded as a response and replied "Yes, she took some because of what happened a while ago. She doesn't usually take them everyday since her therapies are already helping her improve, only in cases where she's having panic attacks"

Brianna nodded and smiled "Thank you, Jenna. Now we'll know what to do just in case" She smiled and said "No problem, I'm just happy that even though she has these problems you still want her to be your child"

Preston looked at her and said "It isn't a big thing for us honestly, we want to help y/n improve and if it's through us then we'll be happy to help" Your aunt smiled and thanked them again.

After a while of their conversation, about the therapies you need and the causes for it to trigger. Your parents were glad that they're now aware of your condition and now would be able to help you.

After a while, your aunt said goodbye and headed out. Your parents headed to their bedroom to sleep.

It was a hectic day but the night became peaceful. Your parents headed to bed and went to dreamland.

So I was deciding if I'll change the (y/n) into a real name since I'm having a bit of a hard time doing a second POV. I usually write third or first POVs so the second is very hard for me, but I want you guys to decide if you still want it as (y/n) or with a proper name

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Keep (y/n)

Have a proper name

Just comment on your choice and it would be counted as 1.

I'll try to update more frequently though.


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