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"Dr. Taylor, what do you see?" Dr. Robbins asks while I get a view of the fetus. 

"I can see the bleed and where it is coming from.." I answer unsure of something I  may have seen.

"What is it?" Dr. Robbins asks sensing something is off by my tone of voice. 

"I'm not completely sure but is that a mass connected to the baby's abdomen?" I  ask. Robbins looks confused and takes a look. a sigh escapes her lip s.

"Once again Dr. Taylor you are correct," she says solemnly "We should get it biopsied. if it is cancerous it's likely throughout the rest of her body."

"The only time I wish I was wrong. How are we going to tell her?"

"We will have to tell her as soon as she wakes up, we have no idea how fused the mass is to the baby or how complicated it is, let's close her up and get her into post-op." she says "Wilson you close."

"Damn it." I sigh while walking out of the OR. I stop by the nurse's station to give them my tablet when I feel someone standing right behind me. I turn around and an audible gasp leaves my lips. Carina. What was she doing here?

"What are you doing here?" I ask looking around 

"Bambina I work here, what are you doing here? Why are you in scrubs?" The Italian retorts

"I work here now.."

"You are a doctor??" she laughs

"What is so shocking about that??" I fake being offended

"I picked you for a lawyer or at the closest an EMT." she jokes. I playfully push her shoulder.

"No, actually, I'm a pediatric surgeon. soon to be a fetal surgeon." I snap back.

"Oh wow, lucky me.." she says under her breath 

"Lucky you? what's so lucky about that, do you know how complicated work relationships can be?" I say lowering my voice

"Devyn please, everyone here sleeps with each other. Half of the doctors here are dating each other or married to another doctor."

"Don't say my name like that. It's distracting." I say blushing

"I also didn't pick you for the bashful type. you weren't so shy last night" she teases with that stupid grin on her face.

"Shut up, there are people around." I laugh 

"I don't understand why Americans are so prude, it's not like I'm screwing you right here. Unless you want me to.."  her voice drops an octave as she slowly backs you into the nurse's station.

"Carina, not right now" I giggle, "I have a patient."

"You are right, I do too" 

I slip out of her grasp and walk towards Marjory's room and Carina follows me.

"Don't follow me." I look back at her.

"My patient is this way" she laughs.

"Please don't tell me we have the same patient." I plead

"Marjory Wheeler." We both say in unison.

"Damn it." I thought I said in my head.

"What cant be in the same room as me without being distracted?" she teases 

"I can.." I lie

"Sure." she teases again. We both walk in to greet Marjory, Dr. Robbins is already standing ready to break the news. She gives me the "You do it" Look

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