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I woke up to my alarm, quickly shutting it off so it doesn't wake Devyn. I walk into the kitchen and begin making breakfast. I flip through my recipe book and decide on my mother's French toast recipe. She used to make it for me and Andrea almost every day. I get out a pan and begin whisking together the ingredients, my mind begins to drift to last night. I swear Devyn had me under some sort of trance. I've never been one to just submit that fast, it was a completely un-adventured part of me. Devyn and I just met 3 days ago, I shouldn't feel the way I do for her this quickly. She Ignited something in me that had been burnt out since Arizona.  Our date is meant to be tonight, I'm going to take her to Kaminski's I've never been, but I've heard great things. after figuring since she just moved here I would take her to see the space needle. I want this date to go well, I was snapped out of my thoughts by a pair of arms being wrapped around me. 

"Mmh... Good morning." She greets. I turn around to face her. We stay embracing each other for a while before she asks.

 "What smells so good?" She says 

"I made breakfast.." I show her the plate. She takes a piece of the toast and sinks her teeth in. 

"Oh my god," She says looking at me with wide eyes. I laugh, she looks so cute.

"What?" She asks 

"You've got a little something.." I say walking towards her. I swipe my thumb along her bottom lip. The smile on my face is almost painful. She spins around facing away from me. 

"You can't do that." She says 

"Do what?" She turns back to look at me.

"Look at me like that. I'll melt." She says grabbing another piece of the toast.

"Well Yo-" I was cut off by her shoving the toast in my mouth.

"Shut up and let me have my moment." She laughs.

"Which is?" I giggle with the toast still in my mouth.

"I cant remember. See what you do to me?" She says fake pouting

"I could do a lot more to you, of course, if you don't melt first." I tease, pushing her against the counter.

"Nope!" She says wiggling out of my grasp and making a break for the bedroom. I chase after her and tackle her onto the bed landing on top of her. Her laugh is contiguous.

"Carina, no I have to be at the hospital in 30 minutes.." She says stopping me.

"Fine, but be sure to remember our date tonight." I pout

"How could I forget." She says kissing the tip of my nose.



I meet Arizona in Marjory's room for rounds. We go over everything with Marjory and leave to develop a plan on how to extract the mass. We spent about 2 hours planning and going over how the surgery was going to go. While the mass COULD stay in the womb with the baby doesn't mean it should. We go back and present our plan to Marjory. While presenting I absent-mindedly swipe my hair off my shoulder and Robbins takes notice and looks visibly angry. We leave the room and she speaks

"Dr. Taylor a word please." She says bluntly

"Of course Dr. Robbins.." I agree

"Dr. Taylor, I find it very unprofessional the way you acted in that patient's room." She states

"I don't follow, I said everything you instructed me to say."

"The hickey on your neck. The way you moved your hair. It was obvious you were trying to get a reaction out of me and I won't stand for it." She explains. This isn't about professionalism, it's about Carina.

"I'm, sorry, I didn't know I had one. I would also like to make it clear I had no intention of making it look like I was trying to get a reaction out of you in any way." I say

"I don't care what you didn't mean. If your personal life is too busy right now I will gladly take you out of this surgery." She retorts. This bitch. My blood was already simmering, now it's just boiled over.

"Cut the crap Robbins. Don't play the 'Caring Boss' role. We both know this is about Carina. ever since that day in Marjory's room you have been nothing but rude to me and I have remained professional and kind. I don't know and I frankly don't care if this is your jealousy showing but you should fix it, I respect you as a teacher, and as a surgeon. I wouldn't have traveled away from my home to study with you if I didn't. I won't have my education compromised because of a personal matter." I state coldly.

"Dr. Taylor may I remind you, you are a fellow. I am an attending. You have no right to talk to me the way that you just have." She yells. Her anger growing

"I could say the same to you, Dr. Robbins. If you want to talk rank go ahead. I may be a fellow, I may be younger than you by a long shot, but by all means, that doesn't question my experience as an attending. I am your fellow and how you threatened my education with a personal matter is called insubordination. You simply cannot treat me the way that you have been because of an innocent mistake and a problem that isn't mine." I take a breath "Feel free to take me off of the surgery, but if you do, I will be reporting you to the chief, I do not want to because as I said, I traveled a long way to come and learn from you. So for the sake of my education and the sake of your reputation as a fetal surgeon, please get over it. I am willing to work with you if you are willing to work with me." I sigh as I walk away. 


"I don't know April. I know I was in the wrong." I sigh

"Arizona just apologize. I have only heard from everyone she has worked with that she is a capable and competent doctor, and from what I've seen and heard from you every bit of that has proven true." April says

"You are right... I was just so mad. I feel bad, but on the bright side, I hope she fights for her patients as she fought for herself. I have to say I'm impressed once again." I admit

"Go, say sorry, and makeup before you are stuck in an OR together," April advises. "But before you go, I thought you were over Carina?"

"I am, I was just surprised, kind of angry she moved on as fast as she did," I say.


I was sitting, conversing with Amelia and Carina over lunch in the hospital cafeteria when Arizona approaches me. 

"Hey.." She says warily 

"Hi," I say back

"Listen, I'm sorry about earlier. I realized how wrong I was, I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like your education was compromised." She sighs.

"Apology accepted. I look forward to working with you Robbins." I forgive.

"Great I'll see you in surgery tomorrow." Robbins says as she walks away. Carina and Amelia look at me dumbfounded. 

"What is she sorry for exactly?" Carina asks. 

"I'll tell you later. It's a long story." 


First big fight of the book! How do you think Marjory's surgery will go? Also help me think of nicknames for our main character. 

(1249 words)

Burning Desire [ c. d. ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora